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Custom Exception Handler in Angular2



In angular2 the exceptions are logged in the console by default. I heard that we can inherit the Angular ExceptionHandler and create our own exception handler so that we can override the default behavior. I tried to do it but didn't work. Can anyone help me on this with an example. Thanks in advance ....

like image 592
Vinz and Tonz Avatar asked Sep 09 '15 20:09

Vinz and Tonz

2 Answers

As of version 2.0.1, the current way of creating a custom error handler is the ErrorHandler interface found in @angular/core.

From the docs:


import { NgModule, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';

class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
  handleError(error) {
    // do something with the exception
  providers: [{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: MyErrorHandler }]
class MyModule {}

When applying this on the root module, all children modules will receive the same error handler (unless they have another one specified in their provider list).

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DerekMT12 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10


It looks like you need to create your own class to handle exceptions, and then bind it in your app at bootstrap time, something like this:

import {provide, ExceptionHandler} from '@angular/core';

class MyExceptionHandler implements ExceptionHandler {
    call(error, stackTrace = null, reason = null) {
       // do something with the exception

And then at bootstrap time, bind this new implementation as the ExceptionHandler:

    [provide(ExceptionHandler, {useClass: MyExceptionHandler})])

See here for reference.

Plunker example

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Angular University Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10

Angular University