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Primeng captcha issue with angular 6

I am using primeng captcha with angular 6 and I have an issue. When I try to directly load the page that has captcha confirmation I have this error:

ERROR TypeError: window.grecaptcha.render is not a function at Captcha.push../node_modules/primeng/components/captcha/captcha.js.Captcha.init (captcha.js:42) at Captcha.push../node_modules/primeng/components/captcha/captcha.js.Captcha.ngAfterViewInit (captcha.js:32)

I have only initialized the captcha in my index.html:

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=explicit" async defer></script>

But it works if I route to this page from another page.

Any ideas how to solve it?

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Alessandro Celeghin Avatar asked Jun 11 '18 09:06

Alessandro Celeghin

1 Answers

I got this, so what I did was to attach the window.grecaptcha object to my component, and then *ngIf the captcha until grecaptcha.render is truthy. Check it.

// In your component
    this.recaptcha = (window as any).grecaptcha;

// And then in your template
<ng-container *ngIf="recaptcha.render">
    <p-captcha ...></p-captcha>

Doing this, the captcha component won't run until the script has executed and the render functions exists on the grecaptcha global.

Cheers. Best of luck to whoever finds this issue.

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frosty Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
