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Changing the marker color when hovering on corresponding element -> Angular 4




I'm trying to change the color of google marker dynamically when I hover on one of the element that is in different component. I'm still learning Angular and I tried using Observables but without any success.

I have main.view component that stores all the cards( I call them events). Here is the part of main-view.component.ts code:

constructor( private eventService: EventsDataService) {
      ngOnInit() {

I'm injecting the service that fetches the data for my cards from the server and use getEvents method to convert it to JSON data using Observable. Then I use 2 *ngFor directives in html template to iterate over this data and fill the cards and markers. Here is the code:


 <app-event-card *ngFor="let event of events; let i = index"></app-event-card>
  <aside class="mapContainer"  [class.fixed]="fixed">
      <agm-map [class.fixed]="fixed"  [latitude]= "latitude"  [longitude]="longitude" >
        <agm-marker *ngFor="let event of events; let i = index"
        [latitude]= "event.location.coordinates[0]"
        label="{{event.price +'AUD'}}">

Now I would like to change the color or any property of the marker when I hover on one of the cards that corresponds to the marker but I have no idea how can I connect the data for those both components.

I would appreciate any help or tips regarding this issue.


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Maciej Czarnota Avatar asked Apr 14 '18 14:04

Maciej Czarnota

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1 Answers

list of markers outside map

<ul><li *ngFor="let data of markers" (mouseenter)="updateColor(data.lat)" (mouseleave)="updateColorR(data.lat)">{{data.lat}}</li></ul>


  *ngFor="let m of markers; let i = index"
  (markerClick)="clickedMarker(m.label, i)"
  (dragEnd)="markerDragEnd(m, $event)">





stackblitz demo

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Deep 3015 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 13:09

Deep 3015