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Prevent duplicate rows when using LEFT JOIN in Postgres without DISTINCT

I have 4 tables:

  • Item
  • Purchase
  • Purchase Item
  • Purchase Discount

In these tables, the Purchase Discount has two entries, all the others have only one entry. But when I query them, due to the LEFT JOIN, I'm getting duplicate entries.

This query will be running in a large database, and I heard using DISTINCT will reduce the performance. Is there any other way I can remove duplicates without using DISTINCT?

Here is the SQL Fiddle.

The result shows:


But the result should come as:

like image 539
Developer Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 06:01


1 Answers

Using correlated subquery instead of LEFT JOIN:

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(p_values)) FROM 
  SELECT t.item_id, t.purchase_items_ids, t.total_sold, t.discount_amount FROM 
      SELECT purchase_items.item_id AS item_id,
             ARRAY_AGG(purchase_items.id) AS purchase_items_ids,
             SUM(purchase_items.sold) as total_sold,
             SUM((SELECT SUM(pd.discount_amount) FROM purchase_discounts pd
                  WHERE pd.purchase_id = purchase.id)) as discount_amount
       FROM items
       INNER JOIN purchase_items ON purchase_items.item_id = items.id
       INNER JOIN purchase ON purchase.id = purchase_items.purchase_id
       WHERE purchase.id = 200
       GROUP by purchase_items.item_id
    ) as t 
  INNER JOIN items i ON i.id = t.item_id 
) AS p_values;

db<>fiddle demo


like image 175
Lukasz Szozda Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 18:04

Lukasz Szozda