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PredicateBuilder nests OR clauses, causing nesting-too-deep issues for large predicates

Summary: I'm using PredicateBuilder to Or() several expressions together, then sending that combined expression to OrmLite's Select() method. However, the generated SQL has a WHERE clause with so many nested parentheses that SQL Server throws an error. What can I do to work around this?

Details: I have a table Foo with two columns, Bar and Baz. If I have a collection of Bar/Baz values and I want to find all matching rows then I might (for example) issue the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE (Bar=1 AND Baz=1) OR (Bar=2 AND Baz=3) OR ...

Since I'm using OrmLite, I'm using PredicateBuilder to generate a where clause for me:

var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Foo>();
foreach (var nextFoo in fooList)
    predicate = predicate.Or(foo => nextFoo.Bar == foo.Bar && 
                                    nextFoo.Baz == foo.Baz);

If I execute this with 3 Foos in my list, the generated SQL looks like this (cleaned up for brevity, but intentionally left on one line to make a point):

SELECT Bar, Baz FROM Foo WHERE ((((1=0) OR ((1=Bar) AND (1=Baz))) OR ((2=Bar) AND (3=Baz))) OR ((2=Bar) AND (7=Baz)))

Notice the leading parentheses? The PredicateBuilder continually parenthesizes the existing expression before adding the next one, so that x -> (x) or y -> ((x) or y) or z, etc.

My problem: When I have dozens or hundreds of items to look up, the generated SQL has dozens or hundreds of nested parentheses, and SQL Server kicks it back with a SqlException:

Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply. Rewrite the query or break it up into smaller queries.

So what can I do about this? I need the generated SQL's WHERE clause to be flattened (like my example query above) if I want to avoid the nesting exception. I know I can generate my own SQL dynamically and send it to OrmLite's SqlList method, but being forced to do that defeats half of OrmLite's value.

like image 894
ean5533 Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 02:03


1 Answers

Since SQL does not short-circuits ORs, you can convert an expression tree that looks like this


to an expression tree that looks like this:

      /    \
     /      \
    /        \
   OR        OR
 /   \     /    \
OR   OR   OR    OR

This is only a work-around: ideally, the framework should be able to deal with situations like that.

One way to construct a tree like this is to split your list recursively in halves, construct an "OR-tree" from each half recursively, and then combine the two "OR-tree"s with another OR:

Predicate ToOrTree(List<Foo> fooList) {
    if (fooList.Count > 2) {
        var firstHalf = fooList.Count / 2;
        var lhs = ToOrTree(fooList.Take(firstHalf).ToList());
        var rhs = ToOrTree(fooList.Skip(firstHalf).ToList());
        return lhs.Or(rhs);
    Predicate res = PredicateBuilder.Create<Foo>(
        foo => fooList[0].Bar == foo.Bar &&  fooList[0].Baz == foo.Baz
    if (fooList.Count == 2) {
        res = res.Or(
            foo => fooList[1].Bar == foo.Bar &&  fooList[1].Baz == foo.Baz
    return res;
like image 156
Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 09:04

Sergey Kalinichenko