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Posting image to facebook page

I want to post my images to my facebook page. Below is the code I tried which is from RestFB manual page. But it's showing some kind of error which is not getting understood. Also in publish("me/photos") should I pass my username instead of writing me?. Also the image bird.jpg exists in my project folder. Can anyone help me? Any kind of help will be appreciated

FacebookClient facebookClient = null;
FacebookType publishPhotoResponse = facebookClient.publish("me/photos",  FacebookType.class,
BinaryAttachment.with("bird.jpg",  FaceBookUpload.class.getResourceAsStream("/bird.jpg")),
              Parameter.with("message", "Test cat"));

System.out.println("Published photo ID: " +  publishPhotoResponse.getId());

This is the error which I encountered

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Binary attachment data cannot be null.
at com.restfb.BinaryAttachment.<init>(BinaryAttachment.java:68)
at com.restfb.BinaryAttachment.with(BinaryAttachment.java:113)
at pkg.am.ncrb.shot.FaceBookUpload.main(FaceBookUpload.java:31)

Also I tried the below code

But none of it is working

InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File("bird.jpg"));
    FacebookType publishVideoResponse =facebookClient.publish("me/photos",FacebookType.class,
            BinaryAttachment.with("bird.jpg", is),
            Parameter.with("message", "MY PHOTO POST"));    

and it's getting exception

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at pkg.am.ncrb.shot.FaceBookUpload.main(FaceBookUpload.java:35)

I just need a sample piece of code that push my image into facebook. I don't know what went wrong.

like image 330
sooraj g Avatar asked Apr 29 '15 05:04

sooraj g

Video Answer

1 Answers

  1. In Java, you can't use an object that is set to null. You'll get a NullPointerException.

    The object that is null is the FacebookClient. You should initialize it:

    FacebookClient facebookClient = new DefaultFacebookClient();
  2. Where are you putting the photo? If it's embedded in the jar file, use FaceBookUpload.class.getResourceAsStream("/bird.jpg"). If it's in the current directory (probably), use new FileInputStream(new File("bird.jpg")).

like image 56
tbodt Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10
