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Create Java Annotation Wrapper

I am currently using an annotation provided by a 3rd party library and I'm wondering if there is a way to create another 'wrapper annotation' around it so that I don't have to require all parameters.

For example I can use the library annotation like this:

@LibraryAnnotation(Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3)

But in my case Parameter2 and Parameter3 are always the same so I want to create an annotation that will only take in Parameter1


But will call the other annotation with all Parameters, similar to how you might create a wrapper for a 3rd party method.

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user1751547 Avatar asked Oct 24 '13 22:10


2 Answers

My original tests was like this:

            executionPhase = BEFORE_TEST_METHOD,
            config = @SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED),
            scripts = {"classpath:test/sqls/_truncate_tables.sql"}
            executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD,
            config = @SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED),
            scripts = {"classpath:test/sqls/_truncate_tables.sql"}
public void countTeams_countOnEmptyTable_returnsWithEmptyList() {}

And whit this base annotation I cleaned up the test files:

 @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
                executionPhase = BEFORE_TEST_METHOD,
                config = @SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED),
                scripts = {"classpath:test/sqls/_truncate_tables.sql"}
                executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD,
                config = @SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED),
                scripts = {"classpath:test/sqls/_truncate_tables.sql"}

And finally I got this clean version:

public void countTeams_countOnEmptyTable_returnsWithEmptyList(){}
like image 101
Krizsán Balazs Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10

Krizsán Balazs

Annotations are quite limited. Unfortunately, I don't see a way, but I might be wrong.

like image 2
Puce Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
