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Caret position is off in JTextArea

I am adding a JTextArea to a component with a layout manager that respects preferred size and location. However, the position of the displayed caret in the JTextArea becomes erroneous after typing a few "wide" letters (e.g. 'm'):

enter image description here

This is after having typed all the letters from the left and the actual caret position is after 'd'. The JTextArea in this case is much wider than the text. Not sure if it might be relevant but the font used is Arial, size 11, plain style and is being set before adding the JTextArea to the parent container. Any ideas what might be causing this?

like image 226
Daniel Maly Avatar asked Mar 05 '12 23:03

Daniel Maly

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1 Answers

Try this :

JTextArea textArea;
DefaultCaret caret = (DefaultCaret) textArea.getCaret();
like image 87
Abs Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
