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PostgreSQL - Using a Subquery to Update Multiple Column Values

I need to be able to update multiple columns on a table using the result of a subquery. A simple example will look like below -

UPDATE table1 SET (col1, col2) =   ((SELECT MIN (ship_charge), MAX (ship_charge) FROM orders)) WHERE col4 = 1001;  

How can I do this in PostgreSQL ?

Thanks for any tips!

UPDATE: I apologize for making the sample too simple for my actual use-case. The query below is more accurate -

UPDATE table1 SET    (TOTAL_MIN_RATE, TOTAL_MAX_RATE) = (SELECT AVG(o.MIN_RATE), AVG(o.MAX_RATE)                            FROM   ORDR o INNER JOIN table2 ba ON (o.PAY_ACCT_ID = ba.ACCT_ID)                                           INNER JOIN table3 mb ON (ba.BANK_ID = mb.BANK_ID)                                WHERE  ba.CNTRY_ID = table1.CNTRY_ID AND                                                o.STUS_CD IN ('01','02','03','04','05','06') AND                                   ((o.FRO_CRNCY_ID = table1.TO_CRNCY_ID AND o.TO_CRNCY_ID = table1.FRO_CRNCY_ID) OR                                    (o.TO_CRNCY_ID = table1.TO_CRNCY_ID AND o.FRO_CRNCY_ID = table1.FRO_CRNCY_ID))                                   GROUP BY ba.CNTRY_ID) 
like image 861
user558122 Avatar asked Sep 18 '11 07:09


People also ask

How do I subquery with multiple columns?

If you want compare two or more columns. you must write a compound WHERE clause using logical operators Multiple-column subqueries enable you to combine duplicate WHERE conditions into a single WHERE clause.

Can we change multiple columns using single UPDATE statement?

We can update multiple columns by specifying multiple columns after the SET command in the UPDATE statement. The UPDATE statement is always followed by the SET command, it specifies the column where the update is required.

How do you UPDATE a column with multiple values?

First, specify the table name that you want to change data in the UPDATE clause. Second, assign a new value for the column that you want to update. In case you want to update data in multiple columns, each column = value pair is separated by a comma (,). Third, specify which rows you want to update in the WHERE clause.

1 Answers

If you want to avoid two subselects, the query can be rewritten like this:

UPDATE table1   SET col1 = o_min, col2 = o_max FROM (      SELECT min(ship_charge) as o_min,             max(ship_charge) as o_max     FROM orders ) t  WHERE col4 = 1001 

If ship_charge is not indexed, this should be faster than two subselects. If ship_charge is indexed, it probably doesn't make a big difference


Starting with Postgres 9.5 this can also be written as:

UPDATE table1   SET (col1, col2) = (SELECT min(ship_charge), max(ship_charge) FROM orders) WHERE col4 = 1001 
like image 102
a_horse_with_no_name Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10
