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Python psycopg2 timeout

I have a huge problem: There seems to be some hardware problems on the router of the server my python software runs on. The connection to the database only is successfull about every third time. So a psycopg2.connect() can take up to 5 minutes before I get an timeout exception.

2014-12-23 15:03:12,461 - ERROR - could not connect to server: Connection timed out     Is the server running on host "" and accepting 

That's the code I'm using.

# Connection to the DB try:     db = psycopg2.connect(host=dhost, database=ddatabase,                           user=duser, password=dpassword)     cursor = db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)  except psycopg2.DatabaseError, err:     print(str(err))     logging.error(str(err))     logging.info('program terminated')     sys.exit(1) 

I tried some timeout additions for the query, but that didn't helped, since the connection didn't got established at all.

Is there a way, I can stop the program immediately, when the connection couldn't be established?

like image 907
gulden Avatar asked Dec 24 '14 20:12


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If Django/psycopg2 have the correct domain name or IP address for the PostgreSQL server, and the correct port, the most common explanation for "Connection timed out" is that a firewall (typically on the PostgreSQL server) is filtering that traffic.

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The current psycopg2 implementation supports: Python 2 versions from 2.6 to 2.7. Python 3 versions from 3.2 to 3.6. PostgreSQL server versions from 7.4 to 9.6.

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1 Answers

When using the keyword arguments syntax to the connect function it is possible to use any of the libpd supported connection parameters. Among those there is connect_timeout in seconds:

db = psycopg2.connect (     host=dhost, database=ddatabase,     user=duser, password=dpassword,     connect_timeout=3 ) 



A connection time out raises an OperationalError exception.

like image 148
Clodoaldo Neto Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

Clodoaldo Neto