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Postgresql for OLAP

Does anyone have experience of using PostgreSQL for an OLAP setup, using cubes against the database etc. Having come across a number of idiosyncracies when using MySQL for OLAP, are there reasons in favour of using PostgreSQL instead (assuming that I want to go the open source route)?

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davek Avatar asked Nov 22 '09 13:11


People also ask

Is PostgreSQL good for OLAP?

PostgreSQL is a powerful database, and for OLAP workloads, it can certainly meet expectations. With a good deal of planning and tuning, the database engine will be able to deliver analytics at scale.

Is PostgreSQL OLTP or OLAP?

PostgreSQL is a popular open-source OLTP database for systems of record. It's the fourth most-widely used database in the world, and its popularity has grown more than any other database for three of the last four years in a row, according to the recent DB-Engines database rankings.

Is Postgres good for OLTP?

PostgreSQL is fully ACID compliant and therefore ideal for OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) workloads. However, PostgreSQL is not only a good choice for its superior OLTP capabilities – it is also a highly capable analytical database and can be integrated nicely with mathematical software such as Matlab and R.

2 Answers

There are a number of data warehousing software vendors that are based on Postgresql (and contribute OLAP related changes back to core fairly regularly). Check out https://greenplum.org/. You'll find that PG works a lot better (for nearly any workload, OLAP especially) than MySQL. Greenplum and other similar solutions should work a bit better than PG depending on your data sets and use cases.

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Trey Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09


PGSQL is much better suited for Data Warehousing compared to MySQL. We had thought initially to go with MySQL, but it performs poorly in aggregations if data grows to a few million rows. PGSQL performs almost 20 times faster in caparison with MySQL for 20 million records for a single fact table on same hardware setup. If for some reason you choose to go with MySQL, then you should use MyISAM storage engine for fact tables rather then InnoDB; you will see slightly better performance.

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Red Boy Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Red Boy