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PostgreSQL 9.5 - update doesn't work when merging NULL with JSON

My users table contains a metadata column of type json. Now, I want to add new metadata to a user while preserving existing values. So I'm using the || operator to merge 2 JSON objects:

UPDATE users
SET metadata = metadata::jsonb || '{"test": true}'::jsonb
WHERE id=...

Everything works fine when there are already some existing metadata. However, when the previous value is NULL then the update doesn't work. The metadata after update is still NULL.

How can I improve my query so that it sets the new JSON object when the previous value is NULL or merges the previous and new values otherwise?

like image 944
Flushed Avatar asked Dec 22 '16 13:12


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ZSON is a PostgreSQL extension for transparent JSONB compression. Compression is based on a shared dictionary of strings most frequently used in specific JSONB documents (not only keys, but also values, array elements, etc). In some cases ZSON can save half of your disk space and give you about 10% more TPS.

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1 Answers

add coalesce:

UPDATE users
SET metadata = coalesce(metadata::jsonb,'{}'::jsonb) || '{"test": true}'::jsonb
WHERE id=...

it works similar like with normal strings NULL || something is always NULL

like image 108
JosMac Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09
