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Using JsonUtility.FromJson to deserialize JSON in Unity





This is my sample JSON:


This is the class I made

public class PlayerInfo
    public string [] data;
    public int status;

This is how I get "status" from JSON:

PlayerInfo P = JsonUtility.FromJson<PlayerInfo>(json);
Debug.Log(P.status) //returns 200

Can someone help me out can I get and save the data array or maybe get data.id and data.hasCustomProb? I am new to C# and unity.

like image 284
Sameer Hussain Avatar asked Nov 11 '16 09:11

Sameer Hussain

1 Answers

Your class should look like this

public class PlayerInfo
    public List<ActData> data;
    public int status;

public class ActData
    public int id;
    public string layoutLabel;
    public int hasCustomProb;
like image 132
Mohit S Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11

Mohit S