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Postgres multiple joins



This is a postgres db. I am attempting to pull dog breed names (Cane Corso, Labrador, etc) from a breed table, to display based on the foreign keys located in an animal table. My issue is the animal table has two foreign keys to this single breed table, and I keep getting errors with my query. The first breed name will return based on a left join, but the second I cannot get the name to display as I already have a left join. Below is a simplified outline of what I am attempting to do:

breed table (ID, BreedName) animal table (ID, breedID, breed2ID)  SELECT animal.ID, breed.BreedName FROM animal LEFT JOIN breed ON animal.breedID=breed.ID WHERE animal.ID='7'; 

What I need to do is also get the BreedName to join for animal.breed2ID which I am failing miserably at. I could easily hard code the breed names and have it display in the application, but this is not conducive to changes, additions, or deletions of breed names in the database.

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user1137376 Avatar asked Jan 08 '12 18:01


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1 Answers

just do another join on that same table:

SELECT animal.ID, breed1.BreedName as BreedName1, breed2.BreadName as BreadName2  FROM animal     LEFT JOIN breed as breed1 ON animal.breedID=breed1.ID     LEFT JOIN breed as breed2 ON animal.breedID=breed2.ID  WHERE animal.ID='7'; 
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kingdaemon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
