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Retrieving Comments from a PostgreSQL DB

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How do I see comments in PostgreSQL?

SELECT order_detail_id, quantity /* * Author: TechOnTheNet.com * Purpose: To show a comment that spans multiple lines in your SQL * statement in PostgreSQL. */ FROM order_details; This SQL comment spans across multiple lines in PostgreSQL - in this example, it spans across 5 lines.

How do I see comments on Pgadmin?

To view the table comments select table in the tree control (on the left) and go to Properties tab in the browser (on the right). Comment is visible in Comment field.

How do I do a wildcard search in PostgreSQL?

Use ILIKE : SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ILIKE 'R%'; or a case-insensitive regular expression: SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnName ~* '^R.

SELECT c.table_schema,c.table_name,c.column_name,pgd.description
FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables as st
  inner join pg_catalog.pg_description pgd on (pgd.objoid=st.relid)
  inner join information_schema.columns c on (pgd.objsubid=c.ordinal_position
    and  c.table_schema=st.schemaname and c.table_name=st.relname);

It all works by oid,

mat=> SELECT c.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c WHERE c.relname = 'customers';
(1 row)

Now, I have the oid for that table, so I can ask :

mat=> select pg_catalog.obj_description(23208);
(1 row)

Then, I can ask for the description of the fourth column :

mat=> select pg_catalog.col_description(23208,4);
 Customer codes, CHS, FACTPOST, POWER...
(1 row)

If you want to know which queries does psql run when you do \dt+ or \d+ customers, just run it with -E.

Take care with schemas, this code considers them:

    cols.column_name, (
            pg_catalog.col_description(c.oid, cols.ordinal_position::int)
            pg_catalog.pg_class c
            c.oid = (SELECT ('"' || cols.table_name || '"')::regclass::oid)
            AND c.relname = cols.table_name
    ) AS column_comment
    information_schema.columns cols
    cols.table_catalog    = 'your_database'
    AND cols.table_name   = 'your_table'
    AND cols.table_schema = 'your_schema';


  • Postgresql Document Table and Column Description Comments on Table and Column

  • Determining the OID of a table in Postgres 9.1?

Just to be here if somebody will need it.

There are many answers here, but none of them was as simple as I would like it to be. So, based on previous answers and current postgres 9.4, I have created this query:

    obj_description(format('%s.%s',isc.table_schema,isc.table_name)::regclass::oid, 'pg_class') as table_description,
    pg_catalog.col_description(format('%s.%s',isc.table_schema,isc.table_name)::regclass::oid,isc.ordinal_position) as column_description
    information_schema.columns isc

It fetches table and column descriptions, without any confusing joins and ugly string concatenations.

This works for me using the PostBooks 3.2.2 DB:

select cols.column_name,
(select pg_catalog.obj_description(oid) from pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.relname=cols.table_name) as table_comment
,(select pg_catalog.col_description(oid,cols.ordinal_position::int) from pg_catalog.pg_class c where c.relname=cols.table_name) as column_comment
from information_schema.columns cols
where cols.table_catalog='postbooks' and cols.table_name='apapply'

Regards, Sylnsr

A slight change to one of the other answers which only gives you columns that have comments on them, this gives you all columns whether they have a comment or not.

select c.table_schema, st.relname as TableName, c.column_name, 
from pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables as st
inner join information_schema.columns c
on c.table_schema = st.schemaname
and c.table_name = st.relname
left join pg_catalog.pg_description pgd
on pgd.objoid=st.relid
and pgd.objsubid=c.ordinal_position
where st.relname = 'YourTableName';

Enhance for @Nick and @mat suggestions: use
SELECT obj_description('schemaName.tableName'::regclass, 'pg_class'); when you have string name (not oid).

To avoid to remember 'pg_class' parameter, and to avoid ugly concatenations at the function calls, as (tname||'.'||schema)::regclass, an useful overload for obj_description:

  CREATE FUNCTION obj_description(
      p_rname text, p_schema text DEFAULT NULL, 
      p_catalname text DEFAULT 'pg_class'
  ) RETURNS text AS $f$
     SELECT obj_description((CASE 
        WHEN strpos($1, '.')>0 OR $2 IS NULL OR $2='' THEN $1
        ELSE $2||'.'||$1
     END)::regclass, $3);
 -- USAGE: obj_description('mytable') 
 --        SELECT obj_description('s.t'); 
 -- PS: obj_description('s.t', 'otherschema') is a syntax error, 
 --     but not generates exception: returns the same as ('s.t') 

Now is easy to use, because the table name (rname parameter) is a varchar and can be expressed with a separated field for schema name, as in the main tables and queries.

See also "Getting list of table comments in PostgreSQL" or the new pg9.3 Guide