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POST Variable Array and filter_input

Try :

$data   = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'data', FILTER_DEFAULT, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY);




FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY will return false if the POST variable contains a scalar value. If you're unsure or just intend on the POST variable accepting both scalar and array values, use FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY instead, which will treat any input as an array, essentially casting scalar values accordingly.

$data = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'data', FILTER_DEFAULT, FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY);

I have used FormData in javascript and post the fields with jquery ajax. The way I receive all these field is:

$arrFields = array('field1','field2','field2','field3', 'field4','field5');
foreach($arrFields as $field){
   $params[$field] = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $field, FILTER_DEFAULT);

Then I will get all the data into an array which I can pass on...

Alternatively you can do your filtering in one shot...for example

$MY_INPUT = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, [
    "item_string_code" => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,
    "item_id_array" => array(
        'filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT,
        'flags' => FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY

The result is almost the same as the post data in terms of what you get back except instead of the global $_POST being your variable it will be $MY_INPUT in this case.