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MySQL Join two tables with comma separated values

People also ask

Can we store comma separated values in MySQL?

A better answer: Don't store a list of comma separated values. Store one value per row, and use a SELECT query with GROUP_CONCAT to generate the comma separated value when you access the database. Is group_concat a mysql only extension?

Where condition on comma separated values MySQL?

To perform where clause on comma separated string/values, MySQL has an inbuilt function called FIND_IN_SET which will search for values within a comma separated values. You can also use IN operator to achieve the same but there are some limitations with IN operator which I will show below.

SELECT  a.nid,
        GROUP_CONCAT(b.name ORDER BY b.id) DepartmentName
FROM    Notes a
        INNER JOIN Positions b
            ON FIND_IN_SET(b.id, a.forDepts) > 0
GROUP   BY a.nid
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Table 1
║ nid      ║    forDepts     ║
║ 1        ║ 1,2,4           ║
║ 2        ║ 4,5             ║
Table 2
║ id       ║    name         ║
║ 1        ║ Executive       ║
║ 2        ║ Corp Admin      ║
║ 3        ║ Sales           ║
║ 4        ║ Art             ║
║ 5        ║ Marketing       ║

SELECT * FROM table1 as t1 LEFT JOIN table2 as t2 ON find_in_set(t2.id, 


 ║ 1        ║ Executive, Corp Admin, Art ║
 ║ 2        ║ Art, Marketing             ║