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How to set time zone in codeigniter?

I am working in a php project using codeigniter. Please advise me what is the global way to set time zone for php and mysql . In which file I can set this. I want to set it without php.ini and .htaccess file.

currently I am using this before every entry -:

date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Kolkata"); $time =  Date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); 
like image 478
Vipul sharma Avatar asked Jul 09 '15 06:07

Vipul sharma

People also ask

How do you set default time zone in CodeIgniter?

PHP date_default_timezone_set() function is used to sets the default timezone used by all date or time functions. In CodeIgniter, the best place to set the timezone is index. php file of application root. Place the date_default_timezone_set() with your desired timezone in the main index.

How use now function in CodeIgniter?

php use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time; $myTime = new Time('+3 week'); $myTime = new Time('now'); You can pass in strings representing the timezone and the locale in the second and parameters, respectively. Timezones can be any supported by PHP's DateTimeZone class. The locale can be any supported by PHP's Locale class.

1 Answers

Placing this date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Kolkata'); on config.php above base url also works

PHP List of Supported Time Zones


<?php  defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');  date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Kolkata'); 

Another way I have found use full is if you wish to set a time zone for each user

Create a MY_Controller.php

create a column in your user table you can name it timezone or any thing you want to. So that way when user selects his time zone it can can be set to his timezone when login.


<?php  class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {      public function __construct() {         parent::__construct();         $this->set_timezone();     }      public function set_timezone() {         if ($this->session->userdata('user_id')) {             $this->db->select('timezone');             $this->db->from($this->db->dbprefix . 'user');             $this->db->where('user_id', $this->session->userdata('user_id'));             $query = $this->db->get();             if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {                 date_default_timezone_set($query->row()->timezone);             } else {                 return false;             }         }     } } 

Also to get the list of time zones in php

 $timezones =  DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::ALL);   foreach ($timezones as $timezone)   {     echo $timezone;     echo "</br>";  } 
like image 158
Mr. ED Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Mr. ED