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podspec specification does not validate

I'm trying to create a cocoa pod following this tutorial. I'm stuck at the moment where I'm doing the following command:

pod repo push RWPodSpecs RWPickFlavor.podspec

the problem is that I've got the following error:

Validating spec
[!] The `RWPickFlavor.podspec` specification does not validate.

And not further error description unfortunately. What I tried was reinstalling cocoapods and installing cocoapods keys, but it didn't help. I'm still getting the same error. Any ideas, guys?

like image 666
Andrey Chernukha Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 08:01

Andrey Chernukha

1 Answers

I solved this issue by adding option --allow-warnings.

like image 187
Shuitao Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
