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Plotting a list of non linear regressions with ggplot






As an output plot of the non-linear regression analysis from this link


With this dataset:

zz <-(" iso temp diam
 Itiquira   22  5.0
 Itiquira   22  4.7
 Itiquira   22  5.4
 Itiquira   25  5.8
 Itiquira   25  5.4
 Itiquira   25  5.0
 Itiquira   28  4.9
 Itiquira   28  5.2
 Itiquira   28  5.2
 Itiquira   31  4.2
 Itiquira   31  4.0
 Itiquira   31  4.1
 Londrina   22  4.5
 Londrina   22  5.0
 Londrina   22  4.4
 Londrina   25  5.0
 Londrina   25  5.5
 Londrina   25  5.3
 Londrina   28  4.6
 Londrina   28  4.3
 Londrina   28  4.9
 Londrina   31  4.4
 Londrina   31  4.1
 Londrina   31  4.4
    Sinop   22  4.5
    Sinop   22  5.2
    Sinop   22  4.6
    Sinop   25  5.7
    Sinop   25  5.9
    Sinop   25  5.8
    Sinop   28  6.0
    Sinop   28  5.5
    Sinop   28  5.8
    Sinop   31  4.5
    Sinop   31  4.6
    Sinop   31  4.3"
df <- read.table(text=zz, header = TRUE)

And this fitted model, whit four parameters:

thx: Optimum temperature

thy: Diameter at optimum

thq: Curvature

thc: Skewness


df <- groupedData(diam ~ temp | iso, data = df, order = FALSE) 

n0 <- nlsList(diam ~ thy * exp(thq * (temp - thx)^2 + thc * (temp - thx)^3),               
      data = df, 
      start = c(thy = 5.5, thq = -0.01, thx = 25, thc = -0.001))

> n0
# Call:
#  Model: diam ~ thy * exp(thq * (temp - thx)^2 + thc * (temp - thx)^3) | iso 

# Coefficients:
              thy          thq      thx           thc
# Itiquira 5.403118 -0.007258245 25.28318 -0.0002075323
# Londrina 5.298662 -0.018291649 24.40439  0.0020454476
# Sinop    5.949080 -0.012501783 26.44975 -0.0002945292

# Degrees of freedom: 36 total; 24 residual
# Residual standard error: 0.2661453

Is there a way to plot the fitted values in ggplot, like an specific function of smooth()?

enter image description here

I think I found it...(based on http://rforbiochemists.blogspot.com.br/2015/06/plotting-two-enzyme-plots-with-ggplot.html)

ip <- ggplot(data=daf,  aes(x=temp, y=diam, colour = iso)) +  
  geom_point() + facet_wrap(~iso)

ip + geom_smooth(method = "nls", 
                method.args = list(formula = y ~ thy * exp(thq * (x-thx)^2 + thc * (x - thx)^3), 
                                   start = list(thy=5.4, thq=-0.01, thx=25, thc=0.0008)),
                se = F, size = 0.5, data = subset(daf, iso=="Itiquira")) +

  geom_smooth(method = "nls", 
              method.args = list(formula = y ~ thy * exp(thq * (x-thx)^2 + thc * (x - thx)^3), 
                                 start = list(thy=5.4, thq=-0.01, thx=25, thc=0.0008)),
              se = F, size = 0.5, data = subset(daf, iso=="Londrina")) +

  geom_smooth(method = "nls", 
              method.args = list(formula = y ~ thy * exp(thq * (x-thx)^2 + thc * (x - thx)^3), 
                                 start = list(thy=5.4, thq=-0.01, thx=25, thc=0.0008)),
              se = F, size = 0.5, data = subset(daf, iso=="Sinop")) 

enter image description here

like image 783
Juanchi Avatar asked May 09 '16 18:05


1 Answers

Answering this with a slightly more principled ggplot approach (combining output into a single data frame whose structure matches that of the original data). Unfortunately finding confidence intervals on nls predictions isn't that easy (search for solutions involving bootstrapping or the delta method):

tempvec <- seq(22,30,length.out=51)
pp <- predict(n0,newdata=data.frame(temp=tempvec))
## combine predictions with info about species, temp
pdf <- data.frame(iso=names(pp),

Create the graph:


enter image description here

like image 198
Ben Bolker Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Ben Bolker