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Play a Video from MemoryStream, Using FFMpeg




I'm having a hard time, searching how to play a video file from a TMemoryStream (or a similar buffer in memory) using FFMpeg. I've seen many things, including UltraStarDX, expensive FFMpeg components for Delphi and so on.

One component called FFMpeg Vcl Player claims to play video formats from a memory stream. I downloaded the trial version and I guess it uses CircularBuffer.pas for that matter (maybe).

Does any one know how to do this?

Edit: Now the better question is how to play an encrypted video file, using FFMpeg or similar libraries.

like image 830
Delphi.Boy Avatar asked Nov 05 '13 09:11


People also ask

How do I livestream with FFmpeg?

To start live streaming with FFmpeg, you have to download and install the software on your computer. You can choose the right installation method for your operating system from the three options above in this FFmpeg tutorial. At this point, you can also create a streaming channel on your video hosting platform.

What is FFmpeg video format?

ffmpeg is a command-line tool that converts audio or video formats. It can also capture and encode in real-time from various hardware and software sources such as a TV capture card. ffplay is a simple media player utilizing SDL and the FFmpeg libraries.

1 Answers

To play video from memory stream, you can use custom AVIOContext.

static const int kBufferSize = 4 * 1024;

class my_iocontext_private
    my_iocontext_private(my_iocontext_private const &);
    my_iocontext_private& operator = (my_iocontext_private const &);

    my_iocontext_private(IInputStreamPtr inputStream)
       : inputStream_(inputStream)
       , buffer_size_(kBufferSize)
       , buffer_(static_cast<unsigned char*>(::av_malloc(buffer_size_))) {
    ctx_ = ::avio_alloc_context(buffer_, buffer_size_, 0, this,
           &my_iocontext_private::read, NULL, &my_iocontext_private::seek); 

    ~my_iocontext_private() { 

    void reset_inner_context() { ctx_ = NULL; buffer_ = NULL; }

    static int read(void *opaque, unsigned char *buf, int buf_size) {
        my_iocontext_private* h = static_cast<my_iocontext_private*>(opaque);
        return h->inputStream_->Read(buf, buf_size); 

    static int64_t seek(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) {
        my_iocontext_private* h = static_cast<my_iocontext_private*>(opaque);

        if (0x10000 == whence)
            return h->inputStream_->Size();

        return h->inputStream_->Seek(offset, whence); 

    ::AVIOContext *get_avio() { return ctx_; }

       IInputStreamPtr inputStream_; // abstract stream interface, You can adapt it to TMemoryStream  
       int buffer_size_;
       unsigned char * buffer_;  
       ::AVIOContext * ctx_;

   //// ..........

   /// prepare input stream:
   IInputStreamPtr inputStream = MyCustomCreateInputStreamFromMemory();

   my_iocontext_private priv_ctx(inputStream);
   AVFormatContext * ctx = ::avformat_alloc_context();
   ctx->pb = priv_ctx.get_avio();

   int err = avformat_open_input(&ctx, "arbitrarytext", NULL, NULL);
   if (err < 0) 
       return -1;

   //// normal usage of ctx
   //// avformat_find_stream_info(ctx, NULL);
   //// av_read_frame(ctx, &pkt); 
   //// etc..
like image 71
pogorskiy Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
