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php xsl extension missing magento readiness check

I'm trying to install magento on my Windows 10 system with MAMP PRO, and I have been getting the same error over and over for a while now. The magento installer says that my php xsl extension is missing. To install the extension, the manual says that I have to add the argument --with-xsl[=DIR] to my configure line but I have no idea how to do this.

I have added extension=php_xsl.dll to my php.ini file but it still isn't added. The php_xsl.dll is present in my /ext folder.

What could the issue be?

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Dennis Avatar asked Jan 11 '16 19:01


5 Answers

Uncomment the following line from php.ini file(remove ';' from the line)..


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Sushil Kumar Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 20:11

Sushil Kumar

in xamp/php/php.ini search and modify php.ini file, search ;extension=php_xsl.dll line, remove ; at the line start and save php.ini file. Then open xampp manager, stop Apache services and restart again.

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patel jay Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 20:11

patel jay

This is because the XSL extension is not enabled.
To enable the XSL extension go to the location where the MAMP (or XAMPP) is installed. Then go to php/php.ini.
Un-comment the line extension=php_xsl.dll and restart the server.

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Anshu Mishra Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11

Anshu Mishra

  1. Go to php.ini file
  2. Change ;extension=xsl to extension=xsl
  3. Restart your Apache xampp
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Nabin Rawat Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11

Nabin Rawat

  1. First, stop apache.
  2. Edit C:\xampp\php\php.ini
  3. Only remove ; at the begiinning of the line extension=php_xsl.dll
  4. Then start apache again

It will work proper.

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Hassan Tariq Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11

Hassan Tariq