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PECL extension for Windows





I found a few related posts here but didn't get my answer. So posting again.
How would I install a PECL extension on windows? Say I want the PECL oAuth extension on Windows XP.
I know 2 methods, but none of them is working for me.

  1. The site http://pecl4win.php.net/ is down for months. So I cant download the DLL. Is there any place we can download the DLLs from ?

  2. running the command pecl install oauth-0.99.9.tgz is throwing the error
    The DSP oauth.dsp does not exist.
    I tried with few other extensions also and getting the same error.

What am I missing here?

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Varun Avatar asked Jan 12 '10 10:01


People also ask

How do I use PECL on Windows?

Here, we will install PECL on Windows by initially installing PEAR, a package repository for PHP. The initial step to installing PECL is to install PEAR. PEAR, as mentioned before, is a package repository for PHP. To begin installing PEAR, you are required to have PHP installed on your system.

Where do I put PHP INI extension?

Go to your php. ini file and add the following line: extension=<extension_name>. dll. To verify that the extension was loaded properly, go to Setup | Extensions and locate the extension from the list.

1 Answers

Releases can now be found here:

If you need an extension not available there you might ask on the pecl-dev at lists.php.net mailing list.

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johannes Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10
