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How to prevent PhpStorm from showing an Expected... warning when using PHPUnit mocks?

When mocking an interface in PHPUnit, PhpStorm complains when it's used as parameter for a type-hinted function.


interface InterfaceA{                                


class ClassA{                                        
    public function foo(InterfaceA $foo){}           

class PhpStormTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testFoo(){                       
        $mock = $this->getMock("InterfaceA");        
        $a = new ClassA();                           

On $a->foo($mock); PhpStorm underlines $mock with the warning Expected InterfaceA, got PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject


PhpStorm warning when using PHPUnit Mock

I guess it's happening because PHPUnit creates the mock a runtime and PhpStorm cannot know that it's actually implementing the interface.

like image 602
Hirnhamster Avatar asked Aug 23 '14 17:08


2 Answers

I found a workaround to this problem in the Jetbrain blog at PhpStorm Type Inference and Mocking Frameworks. The important part:

By default, PhpStorm is capable of figuring out the available methods on the mock object. However, it only displays those for PHPUnit’s PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject class. Fortunately, we can solve this by instructing PhpStorm to infer type information from other classes as well, by using a simple docblock comment.

So to make the warning disappear, we need to add /** @var InterfaceA */ /** @var InterfaceA|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ (cudos to Supericy) to let PhpStorm know our mock actually implements InterfaceA:

interface InterfaceA{                                


class ClassA{                                        
    public function foo(InterfaceA $foo){}           

class PhpStormTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testFoo(){   
        /** @var InterfaceA|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */            
        $mock = $this->getMock("InterfaceA");        
        $a = new ClassA();                           

This bugged me for some time, hope it helps someone :)


Since PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject is really ugly to type, you can abbreviate it via MOOMOO and let PHPStorms auto-complete do the rest:

enter image description here

like image 97
Hirnhamster Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 17:11


Another plugin I have used for this is the Dynamic Return Type Plugin, it lets you configure return types of methods in a very dynamic way (the example is to have better type information from Mocks).

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Steve R Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 15:11

Steve R