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Undefined variable error in PHP include file [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Undefined variable problem with PHP function

Can someone tell me why I keep getting undefined variable error messages in my PHP include files?


$page = 1;

if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
  $page = $_REQUEST['page'];

function phpRocks() {

if ($search) {


Then in dostuff.php:

<?php echo $page; ?>

This is the error I'm getting:

Notice: Undefined variable: page in /dostuff.php on line 61

Attn down voters/close requesters: Doesn't show any research effort? How so? What else should I have added? I have been stumped over this for a half hour and cannot find any other posts that answer this question. Do I need to be a PHP expert in order to post questions (therefore I wouldn't be posting any questions!)??

like image 818
Zoolander Avatar asked Nov 09 '12 15:11


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2 Answers

mario's got it. Do this:

function phpRocks() {
    global $page;

like image 65
user428517 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10


You are including the file inside a function. Therefore the scope of all the included code is the scope of the function. The variable $page does not exist inside the function. Pass it in:

function phpRocks($page) {
    require "includes/dostuff.php";

like image 36
deceze Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
