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Pattern matching on binary type cannot use the value of a variable





arg = "echo:hello"
prefix = "echo"

case arg do
  <<^prefix, ":", msg::binary>> -> IO.puts("Echo message: #{msg}")
  _ -> IO.puts("No match")

Result: No match

What if I want to use the value of prefix as a pattern match?

like image 395
Hentioe Avatar asked Aug 17 '18 18:08


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What is the use of pattern matching?

Pattern matching is used to determine whether source files of high-level languages are syntactically correct. It is also used to find and replace a matching pattern in a text or code with another text/code. Any application that supports search functionality uses pattern matching in one way or another.

What is binary matching?

The binary string matching problem consists in finding all the occurrences of a pattern in a text where both strings are built on a binary alphabet. This is an interesting problem in computer science, since binary data are omnipresent in telecom and computer network applications.

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Patterns are written in JME syntax, but there are extra operators available to specify what does or doesn't match. The pattern-matching algorithm uses a variety of techniques to match different kinds of expression.

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1 Answers

This won't work because you can only match fixed size binaries if you're not matching the "rest" of the string. There are 3 different solutions, depending on your use-case

1. Calculate the size beforehand

If you really want to use that binary pattern matching, you can manually calculate the size beforehand:

arg = "echo:hello"
prefix = "echo"
prefix_size = byte_size(prefix)

case arg do
  <<^prefix::binary-size(prefix_size), ":", msg::binary>> -> IO.puts("Echo message: #{msg}")
  _ -> IO.puts("No match")

2. Use compile-time module attributes

Depending on your use case, you could use module attributes, which size is known at compile time so they do work:

defmodule MyModule do

  @prefix "echo"

  def test(arg) do
    case arg do
      <<@prefix::binary, ":", msg::binary>> -> IO.puts("Echo message: #{msg}")
      _ -> IO.puts("No match")

3. Use String.replace_prefix/3

Or, if you want to keep prefix a runtime binary, you could use String.replace_prefix/3

arg = "echo:hello"
prefix = "echo"

case String.replace_prefix(arg, "#{prefix}:", "")do
  ^arg -> IO.puts("No match")
  msg -> IO.puts("Echo match: #{msg}") 

String.replace_prefix/3 returns the input string if there is no match found, so we match it via ^arg. If this is not the case, we got a match and since we replaced the prefix with "", we just get the part after the :.

like image 54
Jonas Dellinger Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10

Jonas Dellinger