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Passing variable to directive template without creating new scope

Is there a way to pass variables using attributes to a directive without creating a new scope ?


<div ng-click='back()' button='go back'></div> 


.directive('button', function () {     return {         scope: {             button: '@'         },         template: "<div><div another-directive></div>{{button}}</div>",         replace: true     } }) 

The problem is that the ng-click='back()' now refers to the directive scope. I still can do ng-click='$parent.back()' but it's not what I want.

like image 343
Seb Fanals Avatar asked May 15 '13 09:05

Seb Fanals

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1 Answers

By default, directives do not create a new scope. If you want to make that explicit, add scope: false to your directive:

<div ng-click='back()' button='go back!'></div> 
angular.module('myApp').directive("button", function () {     return {         scope: false,  // this is the default, so you could remove this line         template: "<div><div another-directive></div>{{button}}</div>",         replace: true,         link: function (scope, element, attrs) {            scope.button = attrs.button;         }     }; }); 


Since a new property, button, is being created on the scope, you should normally create a new child scope using scope: true as @ardentum-c has in his answer. The new scope will prototypially inherit from the parent scope, which is why you don't need to put $parent.back() into your HTML.

One other tidbit to mention: even though we are using replace: true, clicking the element still calls back(). That works because "the replacement process migrates all of the attributes / classes from the old element to the new one." -- directive doc
So ng-click='back()' button='go back!' are migrated to the first div in the directive's template.

like image 184
Mark Rajcok Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

Mark Rajcok