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How to use defined text/ng-template in AngularJS directive

I try to write a very flexible directive. For doing so i want the user to define a template used in part of my return (as seen in the ui-bootstrap typeahead directive).

So i define my template like this:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="myDirectivesCustomTemplate.html">   <ul>     <li ng-repeat="value in values">       <a ng-click="doSomething(value.id)">         {{value.name}}       </a>     </li>   </ul> </script> 

I set this template in my directive

<div    my-directive    my-directive-custom-template="myDirectivesCustomTemplate.html"    my-directive-data="someScopeData"> 

Now in my directive, how can i render the custom template and use it with the passed data? When i try to use it to return in template directly it throws a ReferenceError: $scope is not defined Error. If i call it without scope, it says ReferenceError: myDirectiveCustomTemplate is not defined Error.

Where and how can i use my template if i do not just want to use it as a return directly?

EDIT: let's say, this is my directive:

(function() {  'use strict';  var Combobox = function() {    var displayInputField     = elem.find('input.dropdown');    scope.$watch(scope.nsdComboboxModel,function(newVal){     /* search for newVal in given data object */     scope.setDisplayInputValue(newVal);   });    scope.setDisplayInputValue = function(value)   {     displayInputField.val(value);   };    scope.elementSelected = function (item, model, label) {     scope.ComboboxCallback(item);     scope.setDisplayInputValue(label);   };  }    return {    restrict: 'A',    transclude: true,    scope: {      Combobox:                  '@', /* used as HTML/CSS-id/name/path */      ComboboxModel:             '=', /* the actual AngularJS model (ng-model) */      ComboboxAutocompleteData:  '=', /* the data used for autoComplete (must be array of objects having id and value) */      ComboboxDropdownData:      '=', /* data used by the dropdown template */      ComboboxCallback:          '=', /* a callback function called with selected autocomplete data item on select */      ComboboxLabel:             '@', /* label for the input field */      ComboboxDropdownTemplate:  '@'  /* label for the input field */  },   template:    '<section class="-combobox-directive container-fluid">' +     '<label for="{{Combobox}}" ng-if="ComboboxTranslation" translate="{{ComboboxLabel}}"></label>' +     '<div class="combobox input-group">' +       '<input type="text" ' +         'id="{{Combobox}}" ' +         'autocomplete="off" ' +         'ng-model="ComboboxDestinationDisplay" ' +         'data-toggle="dropdown" ' +         'typeahead="value as location.value for location in ComboboxAutocompleteData | filter:$viewValue" ' +         'typeahead-editable="false" ' +         'typeahead-on-select="elementSelected($item, $model, $label)" ' +         'class="form-control dropdown">' + // dropdown-toggle          '<span data-toggle="dropdown" class="input-group-addon dropdown-toggle">' +           '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe"></span>' +         '</span>' +          //$compile(ComboboxDropdownTemplate) +      '</div>' +   '</section>',    link: link  }; };  angular.module('vibe.directives').directive('nsdCombobox', [NsdCombobox]); })(); 
like image 334
Andresch Serj Avatar asked Mar 31 '14 09:03

Andresch Serj

People also ask

Is ng-template a directive?

ng-template falls under the category of structural directives, which help us define a template that doesn't render anything by itself, but conditionally renders them to the DOM. It helps us create dynamic templates that can be customized and configured.

What is Ng directive AngularJS?

AngularJS directives are extended HTML attributes with the prefix ng- . The ng-app directive initializes an AngularJS application. The ng-init directive initializes application data. The ng-model directive binds the value of HTML controls (input, select, textarea) to application data.

Which of the below templates is used for writing the AngularJS directive?

Answer: C is the correct option. The ng-app directive is used to initialize the AngularJS application. The ng-init directive is used to initialize the application data.

How do I access ng-template in component?

To access the above ng-template in the component or directive, first, we need to assign a template reference variable. #sayHelloTemplate is that variable in the code below. Now, we can use the ViewChild query to inject the sayHelloTemplate into our component as an instance of the class TemplateRef .

1 Answers


<script type="text/ng-template" id="myDirectivesCustomTemplate.html">     <ul>         <li ng-repeat="value in values">         <a ng-click="doSomething({id:value.id})">                             {{value.name}}         </a>         </li>     </ul> </script> <div ng-controller="MainCtrl">      <div my-directive template="myDirectivesCustomTemplate.html" mydata="mydata" mycallback="doSomething(id)"></div> </div> 


app.controller('MainCtrl',function($scope){     $scope.mydata = [{id:1,name:'One'},{id:2,name:'Two'},{id:3,name:'Three'}];     $scope.doSomething = function(id){         alert(id);      } }); app.directive('myDirective', function($templateCache,$compile) {     return {         restrict: 'A',         scope:{             template : "@",             mydata : "=",             mycallback:"&"         },         link: function(scope,element) {             var template = $templateCache.get(scope.template);             scope.values = scope.mydata;             scope.doSomething = scope.mycallback;             element.append($compile(template)(scope));         }     } }); 
like image 128
Whisher Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11
