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How is Angular JS better than Knockout JS OR Should I prefer Angular JS or Knockout JS? [closed]

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How is Angular better than AngularJS?

Each version of Angular has significant benefits, but there is much to gain in being up-to-date with the latest version. Angular is decidedly faster than AngularJS, has a mobile-driven approach, executes better with components, and enables smoother migration from earlier versions.

Why is Angular better than JavaScript?

AngularJS supports data binding and dependency injection. JavaScript has a rich user interface design like sliders etc. AngularJS is a fully data-driven approach to develop web applications. JavaScript is less time consuming while fixing bugs and defects at a large scale.

Why do you prefer Angular node JS over other languages?

Angular JS is best suited for single-page applications which are dynamic and interactive in nature, like chat applications and instant messaging, whereas Node JS being a server-side language, provides a runtime environment for applications that are real-time data-intensive and collaborative editing or drawing like ...

Which is better AngularJS or JavaScript?

JavaScript has an extensive user interface that includes sliders and other features. On the other hand, AngularJS is a data-driven framework that's used to create web applications. JavaScript is a powerful and complex programming language. On the other hand, AngularJS is a simple and effective framework.

That is based on your need.

For data driven app. Choose Angular. With it's nice data binding

The fundamental difference between the two solutions is that AngularJS manages the whole application and defines guidelines on how the application code should be structured, whereas with KnockoutJS the application structure is entirely up to you.

Knockout has a low barrier of entry, but is also harder to manage when code base and complexity grows. It is not easy to build the necessary infrastructure correctly, and poor decisions made in structuring code may cost a lot to fix in the future.

Angular’s ability to bind directly to plain objects, modular structure, and strict development guidelines prevent many issues right from the start, and provide a strong architectural foundation for the application.

Knockout is primarily used to control UI representation in lower complexity applications, whereas Angular is a JavaScript framework that is much better suited for large, complex enterprise applications. It provides not only UI binding, but also best practices for application structure, development and testing.

Few more added to this:

  1. Knockout is like light weight Angular
  2. Knockout doesn't have routing, Angular have it. But if you want to use routing in Knockout you may use Sammy.js / A Small Web Framework with Class / RESTFul Evented JavaScript
  3. Knockout and Angular have automatic data binding
  4. Knockout is popular in .net development, while Angular is backed up by Google Angular has service, directives, Knockout doesn't have

References :



Angular.js vs Knockout.js vs Backbone.js
