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Passing arguments to a function using async/await

I'm trying to pass arguments to a function that uses async/await. I've defined my function like so

// common.js

export const myAsyncFunc = async (t, textA, textB) => {
  await t
    .typeText('#input-1', textA)
    .typeText('#input-2', textB);

However, when I try to import this function to another file, like so, I can't pass it t because t is not defined:

// index.js

import { myAsyncFunc } from './common'

myAsyncFunc(t, textA, textB)

Is it possible to just pass in my textA and textB arguments (possibly with currying or another way) with async/await?

EDIT: So this is being run as part of the test cafe library. It looks like t comes from when testcafe chrome client/__tests__/ is run, rather than being imported in the common.js file.

like image 648
hidace Avatar asked Jul 17 '17 15:07


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1 Answers

You are importing/exporting myAsyncFunc, but in your code you are calling myAsyncFunction.

Also, you are chaining

.typeText('#input-1', textA)
.typeText('#input-2', textB);

But I think .typeText returns a promise, right? So you should:

export const myAsyncFunc = async (t, textA, textB) => {
  await t.typeText('#input-1', textA);
  await t.typeText('#input-2', textB);

Other than that, the code is working just fine, assuming you defined t somewhere, as pointed out in the comments.

like image 178
tiagodws Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10
