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Passing an array by reference




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Can you pass an array by reference?

Arrays can be passed by reference OR by degrading to a pointer. For example, using char arr[1]; foo(char arr[]). , arr degrades to a pointer; while using char arr[1]; foo(char (&arr)[1]) , arr is passed as a reference. It's notable that the former form is often regarded as ill-formed since the dimension is lost.

How do you pass an array by passing by reference?

How to pass an array by reference in C++ If we pass the address of an array while calling a function, then this is called function call by reference. The function declaration should have a pointer as a parameter to receive the passed address, when we pass an address as an argument.

Do you need to pass an array by reference in C++?

A whole array cannot be passed as an argument to a function in C++. You can, however, pass a pointer to an array without an index by specifying the array's name.

Can you pass an array by reference in Java?

Does Java pass Array by Reference to a Method? Yes, and that is the only way to pass an array to a function in Java. In Java, a function is called a method, and it is a member of a class.

It's a syntax for array references - you need to use (&array) to clarify to the compiler that you want a reference to an array, rather than the (invalid) array of references int & array[100];.

EDIT: Some clarification.

void foo(int * x);
void foo(int x[100]);
void foo(int x[]);

These three are different ways of declaring the same function. They're all treated as taking an int * parameter, you can pass any size array to them.

void foo(int (&x)[100]);

This only accepts arrays of 100 integers. You can safely use sizeof on x

void foo(int & x[100]); // error

This is parsed as an "array of references" - which isn't legal.

It's just the required syntax:

void Func(int (&myArray)[100])

^ Pass array of 100 int by reference the parameters name is myArray;

void Func(int* myArray)

^ Pass an array. Array decays to a pointer. Thus you lose size information.

void Func(int (*myFunc)(double))

^ Pass a function pointer. The function returns an int and takes a double. The parameter name is myFunc.

It is a syntax. In the function arguments int (&myArray)[100] parenthesis that enclose the &myArray are necessary. if you don't use them, you will be passing an array of references and that is because the subscript operator [] has higher precedence over the & operator.

E.g. int &myArray[100] // array of references

So, by using type construction () you tell the compiler that you want a reference to an array of 100 integers.

E.g int (&myArray)[100] // reference of an array of 100 ints

The following creates a generic function, taking an array of any size and of any type by reference:

template<typename T, std::size_t S>
void my_func(T (&arr)[S]) {
   // do stuff

play with the code.

Arrays are default passed by pointers. You can try modifying an array inside a function call for better understanding.