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How do I read an entire file into a std::string in C++?

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What is std::string in C?

The std::string class manages the underlying storage for you, storing your strings in a contiguous manner. You can get access to this underlying buffer using the c_str() member function, which will return a pointer to null-terminated char array. This allows std::string to interoperate with C-string APIs.

What does std::string () do?

std::string class in C++ C++ has in its definition a way to represent a sequence of characters as an object of the class. This class is called std:: string. String class stores the characters as a sequence of bytes with the functionality of allowing access to the single-byte character.

How do you read and write a file at the same time in C++?

In C++, we can also read and write to a file at the same time. To both read and write to a file, we have to get an fstream object and open the file in “ios::in” and “ios::out” mode. In this example, we first write some content to the file. Then, we read the data from the file and print it to the monitor.

One way is to flush the stream buffer into a separate memory stream, and then convert that to std::string:

std::string slurp(std::ifstream& in) {
    std::ostringstream sstr;
    sstr << in.rdbuf();
    return sstr.str();

This is nicely concise. However, as noted in the question this performs a redundant copy and unfortunately there is fundamentally no way of eliding this copy.

The only real solution that avoids redundant copies is to do the reading manually in a loop, unfortunately. Since C++ now has guaranteed contiguous strings, one could write the following (≥C++14):

auto read_file(std::string_view path) -> std::string {
    constexpr auto read_size = std::size_t{4096};
    auto stream = std::ifstream{path.data()};

    auto out = std::string{};
    auto buf = std::string(read_size, '\0');
    while (stream.read(& buf[0], read_size)) {
        out.append(buf, 0, stream.gcount());
    out.append(buf, 0, stream.gcount());
    return out;

The shortest variant: Live On Coliru

std::string str(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{ifs}, {});

It requires the header <iterator>.

There were some reports that this method is slower than preallocating the string and using std::istream::read. However, on a modern compiler with optimisations enabled this no longer seems to be the case, though the relative performance of various methods seems to be highly compiler dependent.

See this answer on a similar question.

For your convenience, I'm reposting CTT's solution:

string readFile2(const string &fileName)
    ifstream ifs(fileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate);

    ifstream::pos_type fileSize = ifs.tellg();
    ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg);

    vector<char> bytes(fileSize);
    ifs.read(bytes.data(), fileSize);

    return string(bytes.data(), fileSize);

This solution resulted in about 20% faster execution times than the other answers presented here, when taking the average of 100 runs against the text of Moby Dick (1.3M). Not bad for a portable C++ solution, I would like to see the results of mmap'ing the file ;)

If you have C++17 (std::filesystem), there is also this way (which gets the file's size through std::filesystem::file_size instead of seekg and tellg):

#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

std::string readFile(fs::path path)
    // Open the stream to 'lock' the file.
    std::ifstream f(path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

    // Obtain the size of the file.
    const auto sz = fs::file_size(path);

    // Create a buffer.
    std::string result(sz, '\0');

    // Read the whole file into the buffer.
    f.read(result.data(), sz);

    return result;

Note: you may need to use <experimental/filesystem> and std::experimental::filesystem if your standard library doesn't yet fully support C++17. You might also need to replace result.data() with &result[0] if it doesn't support non-const std::basic_string data.


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>

int main()
  std::ifstream input("file.txt");
  std::stringstream sstr;

  while(input >> sstr.rdbuf());

  std::cout << sstr.str() << std::endl;

or something very close. I don't have a stdlib reference open to double-check myself.

Yes, I understand I didn't write the slurp function as asked.

I do not have enough reputation to comment directly on responses using tellg().

Please be aware that tellg() can return -1 on error. If you're passing the result of tellg() as an allocation parameter, you should sanity check the result first.

An example of the problem:

std::streamsize size = file.tellg();
std::vector<char> buffer(size);

In the above example, if tellg() encounters an error it will return -1. Implicit casting between signed (ie the result of tellg()) and unsigned (ie the arg to the vector<char> constructor) will result in a your vector erroneously allocating a very large number of bytes. (Probably 4294967295 bytes, or 4GB.)

Modifying paxos1977's answer to account for the above:

string readFile2(const string &fileName)
    ifstream ifs(fileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate);

    ifstream::pos_type fileSize = ifs.tellg();
    if (fileSize < 0)                             <--- ADDED
        return std::string();                     <--- ADDED

    ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg);

    vector<char> bytes(fileSize);
    ifs.read(&bytes[0], fileSize);

    return string(&bytes[0], fileSize);