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Pass by Value and Pass by Reference in Javascript

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What is pass by value and pass by reference in JavaScript?

In pass by value in JavaScript, a copy of the original variable is created so any changes made to the copied variable do not affect the original variable. In pass by reference in JavaScript, we pass the reference of the actual parameter. No copy is created in the memory.

What is difference between pass by value and pass by reference?

Passing by reference means the called functions' parameter will be the same as the callers' passed argument (not the value, but the identity - the variable itself). Pass by value means the called functions' parameter will be a copy of the callers' passed argument.

What is pass by reference in JavaScript?

Pass by Reference: In Pass by Reference, Function is called by directly passing the reference/address of the variable as an argument. So changing the value inside the function also change the original value. In JavaScript array and Object follows pass by reference property.

Is JavaScript pass by value?

In JavaScript, all function arguments are always passed by value. It means that JavaScript copies the values of the variables into the function arguments. Any changes that you make to the arguments inside the function do not reflect the passing variables outside of the function.

Objects and arrays are passed by reference. Primitive values like number, string, boolean are passed by value. A reference to an object is also a primitive type and passed by value like other primitive types, but the object it refers to is still passed by reference.

This is not Angular or TypeScript specific, just how JavaScript works.