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Regions in TypeScript [closed]

In my JavaScript (.js) files, I use a Visual Studio 2012 plugin for regions (here) like this:

//#region "My Region"

//Code here

//#endregion "My Region"

I would also like to have regions in TypeScript (.ts) files as well. Is this a possibility right now?

like image 925
Gaff Avatar asked Oct 09 '12 14:10


3 Answers

You can download Web Essentials 2012, it lets you use regions in TypeScript.

If you use, Visual Studio 2015, here is the freshest link. Web Essentials 2015.3

like image 61
unjuken Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09


Visual Studio 2017 also has support for regions here.

Support via Web Essentials for older versions may be found here.

like image 39
Highdown Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09


You can follow the TypeScript GitHub issue here

TypeScript Regions #11073

Still no ETA on when this will be implemented, currently awaiting more feedback.

like image 25
wonea Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
