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pass a java parameter from maven




I need to execute some tests with maven, and pass a parameter from the command line.

My java code should get the parameter as: System.getenv("my_parameter1");

and I define the parameter in the pom.xml file as the example below: (and latter, I'd modify the pom.xml to get the parameter from the common line mvn clean install -Dmy_parameter1=value1)

but it does not work; System.getenv("my_parameter1") returns null. how should I define the parameter in the pom.xml file?


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David Portabella Avatar asked Mar 08 '12 17:03

David Portabella

2 Answers



to access the environment variable in the pom.xml.

You can use the help plugin to see which variables are set with

mvn help:system

However the normal properties usage should work too. In the large context however I am wondering... what do you want to do? There might be a simpler solution.

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Manfred Moser Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

Manfred Moser

System.getenv() reads environment variables, such as PATH. What you want is to read a system property instead. The -D[system property name]=[value] is for system properties, not environment variables.

You have two options:

  1. If you want to use environment variables, use the OS-specific method of setting the environment variable my_parameter1 before you launch Maven. In Windows, use set my_parameter1=<value>, in 'nix use export my_parameter1=<value>.

  2. You can use System.getProperty() to read the system property value from within your code.


String param = System.getProperty("my_parameter1");

In you surefire plugin configuration, you can use:


Which takes the Maven property _my_property1_ and sets it also in your tests.

More details about this here.

I'm not sure if system properties from Maven are automatically passed to tests and/or whether fork mode affects whether this happens, so it's probably a good idea to pass them in explicitly.

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prunge Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
