Manfred Moser has asked 28
questions and find answers to 182
11.2k EtPoint
4.7k Vote count
28 questions
182 answers
Software developer in Canada from Austria with three boys and Australian wife and a strong Java, Android, Web and Linux background.
Find out more on
my company/geek website
my company github projects
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Programming involvement includes
project owner of ksoap2-android
creator of Maven Android SDK Deployer
core committer on Android Maven Plugin
Former author, presenter and community advocate for Sonatype working on books like Repository Management with Nexus, The Hudson Book, Optimized Component Lifecycle Management with Sonatype CLM, Maven: The Complete Reference and blogger
Trainer and presenter at conferences for Android development, Sonatype Nexus, Apache Maven and more
Various small bug fixes and help on a variety of open source projects related to Java and Android inlcuding Roboguice, Robotium, Robolectric, Android4Maven, Hudson, ...