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passing object of class to another class

I have two classes. Class A and Class B.

I have a function in Class A that i would like to use in class B. I was thinking about passing a reference of Class A to the constructor of Class B and then call the function after that.

Would that work? Can someone show me an example?

Thanks in advance!

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prolink007 Avatar asked Jan 17 '11 21:01


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2 Answers

Yes, it will work. And it's a decent way to do it. You just pass an instance of class A:

public class Foo {
   public void doFoo() {..} // that's the method you want to use

public class Bar {
   private Foo foo;
   public Bar(Foo foo) {
      this.foo = foo;

   public void doSomething() {
      foo.doFoo(); // here you are using it.

And then you can have:

Foo foo = new Foo();
Bar bar = new Bar(foo);
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Bozho Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Do something like this

class ClassA {
    public ClassA() {    // Constructor
    ClassB b = new ClassB(this); 

class ClassB {
    public ClassB(ClassA a) {...}

The this keyword essentially refers to the object(class) it's in.

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ahodder Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
