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How to import a package from Eclipse?

In one of my directories I have all .java files which belong to one package ("game"). Now I want to create one .java file which does not belong to this package and which imports the "game" package. If I create a new file and write import game; then Eclipse complains that it does not know what the "game" package means. Can somebody please help me to solve this problem?

like image 968
Roman Avatar asked Apr 21 '10 07:04


2 Answers

You might also want to use Eclipse's 'Organize imports' shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + O.

This will find all missing types and add the appropriate imports automatically.

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Eric Eijkelenboom Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Eric Eijkelenboom

You cannot import a package, you need to import classes from that package:

import game.SomeClass;
import game.SomeOtherClass;


import game.*;

to import all classes from that package.

Eclipse can generate these imports for you if you type the class-names in your code and press Ctrl+Space for Code-Completion. Select the correct class there (if more classes with the same name exist in different packages), and the import will be generated.

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Peter Lang Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Peter Lang