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Particle Dynamics

I am modelling a particle in 3D space.

Particle Interpolation

{0} The particle starts at time t0 from a known position P0 with a velocity V0. The velocity is computed using its known previous position of P-1 at t-1.

{1} The particle is targeted to go to P1 at t1 with a known velocity of V1.

{..} The particle moves as fast as it can, without jerks (C1 continuous) bound by a set of constraints that clamp the acceleration along x, y and z independently. The maximum acceleration/deceleration along x, y and z are known and are Xa, Ya, and Za. The max rate of change of acceleration along x, y and z are defined by Xr, Yr, and Zr.

{n} After an unknown number of time steps it reaches Pn at some time (say tn) with a velocity of Vn.

{n+1} It moves to Pn+1 at tn+1.

The problem I have is to compute the minimum time for the transition from P0 to Pn and to generate the intermediate positions and velocity directions thereof. A secondary goal is to accelerate smoothly instead of applying acceleration that results in jerks.

Current Approach:

  1. find the dimension {x, y or z} that will take the longest to align from start P0 to end Pn. This will be the critical dimension and will determine the total time. This is fairly straightforward and I can write something to this effect.

  2. interpolate smoothly without jitters from P0 to Pn in all dimensions such that the velocity at Pn is as expected. I am not sure, how to approach this.

Any inputs/physics engines that already do this will be useful. It is a commercial project and I cannot put dependencies on large 3rd party libraries with restrictive licenses.

Note: Particle at P0 and Pn have little or no acceleration.

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Ram Avatar asked Feb 22 '18 16:02


1 Answers

If I understand correctly, you have a point (P0, V0), with V0 = P0 - P-1, and a point (Pn, Vn), with Vn = Pn - Pn-1, and you want to find the fewest intermediate points by adjusting the acceleration at each time step.

Let's define the acceleration at ti: Ai = Vi - Vi-1, with abs(Ai) <= mA. Here, since the problem is axis-independant, abs is the member-wise absolute instead of the norm (or vector magnitude), and mA is the maximum acceleration vector, positive in each dimension. Let's also consider that Pn > P0 (member-wise).

From that, we get Vi = Vi-1 + Ai and so Pi = Pi-1 + Vi-1 + Ai.

If you need to go from some point to another in the fastest way possible, the obvious thing to do, whatever the initial velocity, is accelerate as much as possible until you reach the goal. However, since your problem is discrete and you have a terminal velocity Vn, using that method will probably lead too far and with a different terminal velocity.

However, you can do the same thing in reverse, starting from the end point. And if you start simultaneously from both points, you will make two paths crossing each other in each dimension (not necessarily crossing in 3D, but, in each dimension, the relative direction of both paths changes at some "crossing" point).

Let's take a one-dimensional example. (P0, V0) = (0, -2) and (Pn, Vn) = (35, -1), and mA = 1.
The first path, with Ai = mA, goes like this:

(0, -2) -> (-1, -1) -> (-1, 0) -> (0, 1) -> (2, 2) ->
(5, 3) -> (9, 4) -> (14, 5) -> (20, 6) -> (27, 7) -> ...

The second path, with Ai = -mA but in reverse, goes like this:

(35, -1) <- (36, 0) <- (36, 1) <- (35, 2) <- (33, 3) <-
(30, 4) <- (26, 5) <- (21, 6) <- (15, 7) <- ...

You can see the paths cross with the same velocity somewhere between 20 and 21. That gives you the fastest acceleration and deceleration parts of the path you need, but the two parts aren't connected. However, it's easy to connect them by finding the closest points of same velocity; let's call these points Pq and Pr. Here, Pq = (20, 6) and Pr = (21, 6). Since that velocity is calculated between current and previous points, take the point before Pq (Pq-1, or (14, 5) in the example) and the point Pr, and try connecting them.

If Pq >= Pr >= Pq - 2mA, then you can connect them directly by taking Pq-1 unchanged, and Pr with Vr = Pr - Pq-1.

Else, take Pq-2 and Pr-1 (where Vr-1 = Vr - mA, because it's in reverse) and try connecting those by adding intermediate points. Since these points have a velocity difference of mA, you can search only for intermediate points with the same velocity Vs such that Vq-2 <= Vs <= Vr-1.

If you still can't find a solution, then take Pq-3 and Pr-2 and repeat the process with more intermediate points.

In the example I took, Pq < Pr, so we have to try with Pq-2 = (9, 4) and Pr-1 = (26, 5). We can connect those with a sequence of 3 points, for example (9, 4) -> (13, 4) -> (17, 4) -> (21, 4) -> (26, 5).

In any case, this method will give you the smallest amount of intermediate points, meaning the fastest path between P0 and Pn.

If you then want to reduce jerk, then you can forget the points calculated previously and do an interpolation with the number of points you now know to be minimal.

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Nelfeal Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09
