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Parsing a JSON file with .NET core 3.0/System.text.Json

I'm trying to read and parse a large JSON file that cannot fit in memory with the new JSON reader System.Text.Json in .NET Core 3.0.

The example code from Microsoft takes a ReadOnlySpan<byte> as input

    public static void Utf8JsonReaderLoop(ReadOnlySpan<byte> dataUtf8)     {         var json = new Utf8JsonReader(dataUtf8, isFinalBlock: true, state: default);          while (json.Read())         {             JsonTokenType tokenType = json.TokenType;             ReadOnlySpan<byte> valueSpan = json.ValueSpan;             switch (tokenType)             {                 case JsonTokenType.StartObject:                 case JsonTokenType.EndObject:                     break;                 case JsonTokenType.StartArray:                 case JsonTokenType.EndArray:                     break;                 case JsonTokenType.PropertyName:                     break;                 case JsonTokenType.String:                     string valueString = json.GetString();                     break;                 case JsonTokenType.Number:                     if (!json.TryGetInt32(out int valueInteger))                     {                         throw new FormatException();                     }                     break;                 case JsonTokenType.True:                 case JsonTokenType.False:                     bool valueBool = json.GetBoolean();                     break;                 case JsonTokenType.Null:                     break;                 default:                     throw new ArgumentException();             }         }          dataUtf8 = dataUtf8.Slice((int)json.BytesConsumed);         JsonReaderState state = json.CurrentState;     } 

What I'm struggling to find out is how to actually use this code with a FileStream, getting a FileStream into a ReadOnlySpan<byte>.

I tried reading the file using the following code and ReadAndProcessLargeFile("latest-all.json");

    const int megabyte = 1024 * 1024;     public static void ReadAndProcessLargeFile(string theFilename, long whereToStartReading = 0)     {         FileStream fileStram = new FileStream(theFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);         using (fileStram)         {             byte[] buffer = new byte[megabyte];             fileStram.Seek(whereToStartReading, SeekOrigin.Begin);             int bytesRead = fileStram.Read(buffer, 0, megabyte);             while (bytesRead > 0)             {                 ProcessChunk(buffer, bytesRead);                 bytesRead = fileStram.Read(buffer, 0, megabyte);             }          }     }      private static void ProcessChunk(byte[] buffer, int bytesRead)     {         var span = new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(buffer);         Utf8JsonReaderLoop(span);     } 

It crashes with the error messaage

System.Text.Json.JsonReaderException: 'Expected end of string, but instead reached end of data. LineNumber: 8 | BytePositionInLine: 123335.' 

As a reference, here is my working code that's using Newtonsoft.Json

        dynamic o;         var serializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer();         using (FileStream s = File.Open("latest-all.json", FileMode.Open))         using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))         using (JsonReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sr))         {             while (reader.Read())             {                 if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)                 {                     o = serializer.Deserialize(reader);                  }             }         } 
like image 256
J. Margarine Avatar asked Mar 04 '19 12:03

J. Margarine

People also ask

How do I deserialize text JSON?

A common way to deserialize JSON is to first create a class with properties and fields that represent one or more of the JSON properties. Then, to deserialize from a string or a file, call the JsonSerializer. Deserialize method.

Which is better Newtonsoft JSON or System text JSON?

Json does case-insensitive property name matching by default. The System. Text. Json default is case-sensitive, which gives better performance since it's doing an exact match.

What is DeserializeObject JSON C#?

Deserialization. In Deserialization, it does the opposite of Serialization which means it converts JSON string to custom . Net object. In the following code, it calls the static method DeserializeObject() of the JsonConvert class by passing JSON data. It returns a custom object (BlogSites) from JSON data.

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Correct, JsonSerializer is threadsafe. No state is shared while serializing but if you change a setting on the JsonSerializer while in the middle of serializing an object then those will automatically be used.

1 Answers

Update 2019-10-13: Rewritten the Utf8JsonStreamReader to use ReadOnlySequences internally, added wrapper for JsonSerializer.Deserialize method.

I have created a wrapper around Utf8JsonReader for exactly this purpose:

public ref struct Utf8JsonStreamReader {     private readonly Stream _stream;     private readonly int _bufferSize;      private SequenceSegment? _firstSegment;     private int _firstSegmentStartIndex;     private SequenceSegment? _lastSegment;     private int _lastSegmentEndIndex;      private Utf8JsonReader _jsonReader;     private bool _keepBuffers;     private bool _isFinalBlock;      public Utf8JsonStreamReader(Stream stream, int bufferSize)     {         _stream = stream;         _bufferSize = bufferSize;          _firstSegment = null;         _firstSegmentStartIndex = 0;         _lastSegment = null;         _lastSegmentEndIndex = -1;          _jsonReader = default;         _keepBuffers = false;         _isFinalBlock = false;     }      public bool Read()     {         // read could be unsuccessful due to insufficient bufer size, retrying in loop with additional buffer segments         while (!_jsonReader.Read())         {             if (_isFinalBlock)                 return false;              MoveNext();         }          return true;     }      private void MoveNext()     {         var firstSegment = _firstSegment;         _firstSegmentStartIndex += (int)_jsonReader.BytesConsumed;          // release previous segments if possible         if (!_keepBuffers)         {             while (firstSegment?.Memory.Length <= _firstSegmentStartIndex)             {                 _firstSegmentStartIndex -= firstSegment.Memory.Length;                 firstSegment.Dispose();                 firstSegment = (SequenceSegment?)firstSegment.Next;             }         }          // create new segment         var newSegment = new SequenceSegment(_bufferSize, _lastSegment);          if (firstSegment != null)         {             _firstSegment = firstSegment;             newSegment.Previous = _lastSegment;             _lastSegment?.SetNext(newSegment);             _lastSegment = newSegment;         }         else         {             _firstSegment = _lastSegment = newSegment;             _firstSegmentStartIndex = 0;         }          // read data from stream         _lastSegmentEndIndex = _stream.Read(newSegment.Buffer.Memory.Span);         _isFinalBlock = _lastSegmentEndIndex < newSegment.Buffer.Memory.Length;         _jsonReader = new Utf8JsonReader(new ReadOnlySequence<byte>(_firstSegment, _firstSegmentStartIndex, _lastSegment, _lastSegmentEndIndex), _isFinalBlock, _jsonReader.CurrentState);     }      public T Deserialize<T>(JsonSerializerOptions? options = null)     {         // JsonSerializer.Deserialize can read only a single object. We have to extract         // object to be deserialized into separate Utf8JsonReader. This incures one additional         // pass through data (but data is only passed, not parsed).         var tokenStartIndex = _jsonReader.TokenStartIndex;         var firstSegment = _firstSegment;         var firstSegmentStartIndex = _firstSegmentStartIndex;          // loop through data until end of object is found         _keepBuffers = true;         int depth = 0;          if (TokenType == JsonTokenType.StartObject || TokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray)             depth++;          while (depth > 0 && Read())         {             if (TokenType == JsonTokenType.StartObject || TokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray)                 depth++;             else if (TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject || TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndArray)                 depth--;         }          _keepBuffers = false;          // end of object found, extract json reader for deserializer         var newJsonReader = new Utf8JsonReader(new ReadOnlySequence<byte>(firstSegment!, firstSegmentStartIndex, _lastSegment!, _lastSegmentEndIndex).Slice(tokenStartIndex, _jsonReader.Position), true, default);          // deserialize value         var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(ref newJsonReader, options);          // release memory if possible         firstSegmentStartIndex = _firstSegmentStartIndex + (int)_jsonReader.BytesConsumed;          while (firstSegment?.Memory.Length < firstSegmentStartIndex)         {             firstSegmentStartIndex -= firstSegment.Memory.Length;             firstSegment.Dispose();             firstSegment = (SequenceSegment?)firstSegment.Next;         }          if (firstSegment != _firstSegment)         {             _firstSegment = firstSegment;             _firstSegmentStartIndex = firstSegmentStartIndex;             _jsonReader = new Utf8JsonReader(new ReadOnlySequence<byte>(_firstSegment!, _firstSegmentStartIndex, _lastSegment!, _lastSegmentEndIndex), _isFinalBlock, _jsonReader.CurrentState);         }          return result;     }      public void Dispose() =>_lastSegment?.Dispose();      public int CurrentDepth => _jsonReader.CurrentDepth;     public bool HasValueSequence => _jsonReader.HasValueSequence;     public long TokenStartIndex => _jsonReader.TokenStartIndex;     public JsonTokenType TokenType => _jsonReader.TokenType;     public ReadOnlySequence<byte> ValueSequence => _jsonReader.ValueSequence;     public ReadOnlySpan<byte> ValueSpan => _jsonReader.ValueSpan;      public bool GetBoolean() => _jsonReader.GetBoolean();     public byte GetByte() => _jsonReader.GetByte();     public byte[] GetBytesFromBase64() => _jsonReader.GetBytesFromBase64();     public string GetComment() => _jsonReader.GetComment();     public DateTime GetDateTime() => _jsonReader.GetDateTime();     public DateTimeOffset GetDateTimeOffset() => _jsonReader.GetDateTimeOffset();     public decimal GetDecimal() => _jsonReader.GetDecimal();     public double GetDouble() => _jsonReader.GetDouble();     public Guid GetGuid() => _jsonReader.GetGuid();     public short GetInt16() => _jsonReader.GetInt16();     public int GetInt32() => _jsonReader.GetInt32();     public long GetInt64() => _jsonReader.GetInt64();     public sbyte GetSByte() => _jsonReader.GetSByte();     public float GetSingle() => _jsonReader.GetSingle();     public string GetString() => _jsonReader.GetString();     public uint GetUInt32() => _jsonReader.GetUInt32();     public ulong GetUInt64() => _jsonReader.GetUInt64();     public bool TryGetDecimal(out byte value) => _jsonReader.TryGetByte(out value);     public bool TryGetBytesFromBase64(out byte[] value) => _jsonReader.TryGetBytesFromBase64(out value);     public bool TryGetDateTime(out DateTime value) => _jsonReader.TryGetDateTime(out value);     public bool TryGetDateTimeOffset(out DateTimeOffset value) => _jsonReader.TryGetDateTimeOffset(out value);     public bool TryGetDecimal(out decimal value) => _jsonReader.TryGetDecimal(out value);     public bool TryGetDouble(out double value) => _jsonReader.TryGetDouble(out value);     public bool TryGetGuid(out Guid value) => _jsonReader.TryGetGuid(out value);     public bool TryGetInt16(out short value) => _jsonReader.TryGetInt16(out value);     public bool TryGetInt32(out int value) => _jsonReader.TryGetInt32(out value);     public bool TryGetInt64(out long value) => _jsonReader.TryGetInt64(out value);     public bool TryGetSByte(out sbyte value) => _jsonReader.TryGetSByte(out value);     public bool TryGetSingle(out float value) => _jsonReader.TryGetSingle(out value);     public bool TryGetUInt16(out ushort value) => _jsonReader.TryGetUInt16(out value);     public bool TryGetUInt32(out uint value) => _jsonReader.TryGetUInt32(out value);     public bool TryGetUInt64(out ulong value) => _jsonReader.TryGetUInt64(out value);      private sealed class SequenceSegment : ReadOnlySequenceSegment<byte>, IDisposable     {         internal IMemoryOwner<byte> Buffer { get; }         internal SequenceSegment? Previous { get; set; }         private bool _disposed;          public SequenceSegment(int size, SequenceSegment? previous)         {             Buffer = MemoryPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(size);             Previous = previous;              Memory = Buffer.Memory;             RunningIndex = previous?.RunningIndex + previous?.Memory.Length ?? 0;         }          public void SetNext(SequenceSegment next) => Next = next;          public void Dispose()         {             if (!_disposed)             {                 _disposed = true;                 Buffer.Dispose();                 Previous?.Dispose();             }         }     } } 

You can use it as replacement for Utf8JsonReader, or for deserializing json into typed objects (as wrapper around System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize).

Example of usage for deserializing objects from huge JSON array:

using var stream = new FileStream("LargeData.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using var jsonStreamReader = new Utf8JsonStreamReader(stream, 32 * 1024);  jsonStreamReader.Read(); // move to array start jsonStreamReader.Read(); // move to start of the object  while (jsonStreamReader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray) {     // deserialize object     var obj = jsonStreamReader.Deserialize<TestData>();      // JsonSerializer.Deserialize ends on last token of the object parsed,     // move to the first token of next object     jsonStreamReader.Read(); } 

Deserialize method reads data from stream until it finds end of the current object. Then it constructs a new Utf8JsonReader with data read and calls JsonSerializer.Deserialize.

Other methods are passed through to Utf8JsonReader.

And, as always, don't forget to dispose your objects at the end.

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mtosh Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
