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Parse complex json objects with TypeScript

How can I parse complex json object with TypeScipt ?

I have a customer object, who have some invoices.

This is my model :

export class Customer {
    public id: string;
    public name: string;
    public invoices: CustomerInvoice[];

    get invoicesCount(): number {
        if (this.invoices== null) {
            return 0;
        return this.invoices.length;

     constructor() {

export class CustomerInvoice {
     public id: number;

     constructor() {

And in my service I have :

ngOnInit() {
    if (this.id != null) {
        this.dataService.getCustomer(this.id).subscribe(data => {
            this.customer = data;
            err => console.log(err));

Customer data are great (my customer id, name etc have some values) but the invoices are null.

The json is correct, data.Invoices.length return a number.

like image 200
AdrienTorris Avatar asked Feb 19 '16 10:02


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1 Answers

How can I parse complex json object with TypeScipt ?

Assuming you mean parsing JSON into actual class instances instead of simple Javascript objects, TypeScript does not ship this feature off-the-shelf.

You may create an interface declaration using which you can do a type-assertion (not a type-cast) to somewhat mimick type-safety if the JSON is trusted, but that's it -- I know no native tool to serialize a JSON to actual instances of user-defined types.

interface ICustomerInvoice {
    id: number;

interface ICustomer {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    invoices: ICustomerInvoice[];

var customer: ICustomer = JSON.parse(json) as ICustomer;

Nevertheless, for the same obvious reasons I began putting together TypedJSON to introduce this feature into TypeScript. You can annotate your classes and members with JsonObject and JsonMember decorators:

export class CustomerInvoice {
    public id: number;

export class Customer {
    public id: string;

    public name: string;

    @JsonMember({ elementType: CustomerInvoice })
    public invoices: CustomerInvoice[];

    get invoicesCount(): number {
        if (this.invoices== null) {
            return 0;
        return this.invoices.length;

To deserialize a JSON-string, you would use TypedJSON.parse instead of JSON.parse, the getter will also be present as expected:

var customer = TypedJSON.parse(json, Customer);
typeof customer.invoicesCount; // "number"    

It is recommended to be used with ReflectDecorators (but not required). If you choose to skip this recommendation, you also need to specify the 'type' setting for members, for example:

@JsonMember({ type: String })
public id: string;
like image 176
John Weisz Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

John Weisz