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Parse and create ISO 8601 Date and time intervals, like PT15M in PHP

A library and webservice I am using communicates time-intervals in ISO 8601 format: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. I want to convert such formats to seconds. And vice versa. Seconds are a lot easier to calculate with.

Example interval values are:

  • PT1M or PT60S (1 minute)
  • PT1H, PT60M or PT3600S (1 hour)

I need two functions: parse from such values to seconds: iso8601_interval_to_seconds() and from seconds into such intervals: iso8601_interval_from_seconds().

The latter is rather simple, because it could be done as `"PT{$seconds}S", just pass seconds along, at all times. Maybe this can be done nicer with a parser that switches to H(hour) or M(minute)?

The first is harder, but maybe there is a trick with one of the many string-to-date converters in PHP? I would love to learn how to use such a function for parsing intervals. Or learn an alternative.

like image 907
berkes Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 19:09


1 Answers

It looks like PHP 5.3's DateInterval supports this.

If you can't use 5.3, I suppose any such conversion function would know how many seconds are in a year, a month, a day, an hour, and a minute. Then, when converting from seconds, it would divide in that order, each time taking the modulo of the previous operation, until only <60 seconds are left. When converting from an ISO 8601 interval representation it should be trivial to parse the string and multiply each found element accordingly.

like image 191
Fanis Hatzidakis Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

Fanis Hatzidakis