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Parallelizing keras models in R using doParallel

I'm trying to ensemble several neural networks using keras for R. In order to do so, I would like to parallelize the training of the different networks by using a "foreach" loop.

models <- list()
x_bagged <- list()
y_bagged <- list()

n_nets = 2
bag_frac <-0.7
len <- nrow(x_train)

for(i in 1:n_nets){
    sam <- sample(len, floor(bag_frac*len), replace=FALSE)
    x_bagged[[i]] <- x_train[sam,]
    y_bagged[[i]] <- y_train[sam]

    models[[i]] <- keras_model_sequential() 

models[[i]] %>% 
  layer_dense(units = 100, input_shape = ncol(x_train), activation = "relu", kernel_initializer = 'glorot_normal') %>% 
  layer_batch_normalization() %>%
  layer_dense(units = 100, activation = custom_activation, kernel_initializer = 'glorot_normal') %>%
  layer_dense(units = 1, activation = 'linear', kernel_initializer = 'glorot_normal')

    models[[i]] %>% compile(
  loss = "MSE",
    optimizer= optimizer_sgd(lr=0.01)

nep <- 10

 foreach(i = 1:n_nets,.packages=c("keras")) %dopar% { 
         models[[i]] %>% keras::fit(
  x_bagged[[i]], y_bagged[[i]], 
  epochs = nep,
  validation_split = 0.1,
  batch_size =256,

I have no problems running the code using %do% instead of %dopar%; however, when i try to fit the nets simultaneously on multiple cores, i get the following error:

Error in {: task 1 failed - "'what' must be a function or character string" Traceback:

  1. foreach(i = 1:n_reti, .packages = c("keras")) %dopar% { . models[[i]] %>% keras::fit(x_bagged[[i]], y_bagged[[i]], .
    epochs = nep, validation_split = 0.1, batch_size = 256, .
    verbose = 1) . }
  2. e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data)

Does anyone kindly know how I can overcome this error? Is there any alternative way to parallelize the training of the models on R?

Thank you in advance!

like image 592
Francesco Reggiani Avatar asked Jul 09 '18 09:07

Francesco Reggiani

1 Answers

Although this question is quite old, I got the same issue so I'm posting the solution here. The problem is that the Keras model object can not be transferred to the workers before being serialised. A quick workaround would be to serialise the models before sending them to the workers and then unserialising them on the nodes locally:

nep <- 10

# Serialize models before sending them to the workers
models_par <- lapply(models_par, keras::serialize_model)

# Now send the models, not just the indices
foreach(model = models_par,.packages=c("keras")) %dopar% { 

  # Unserialize locally
  model_local <- keras::unserialize_model(model)
  model_local %>% keras::fit(
    x_bagged[[i]], y_bagged[[i]], 
    epochs = nep,
    validation_split = 0.1,
    batch_size =256,

  # Serialize before sending back to master
like image 98
max_x_x Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 06:11
