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Pandas df.to_csv("file.csv" encode="utf-8") still gives trash characters for minus sign

I've read something about a Python 2 limitation with respect to Pandas' to_csv( ... etc ...). Have I hit it? I'm on Python 2.7.3

This turns out trash characters for ≥ and - when they appear in strings. Aside from that the export is perfect.

df.to_csv("file.csv", encoding="utf-8")  

Is there any workaround?

df.head() is this:

demography  Adults ≥49 yrs  Adults 18−49 yrs at high risk||  \ state                                                            Alabama                 32.7                             38.6    Alaska                  31.2                             33.2    Arizona                 22.9                             38.8    Arkansas                31.2                             34.0    California              29.8                             38.8   

csv output is this

state,  Adults ≥49 yrs,   Adults 18−49 yrs at high risk|| 0,  Alabama,    32.7,   38.6 1,  Alaska, 31.2,   33.2 2,  Arizona,    22.9,   38.8 3,  Arkansas,31.2,  34 4,  California,29.8, 38.8 

the whole code is this:

import pandas import xlrd import csv import json  df = pandas.DataFrame() dy = pandas.DataFrame() # first merge all this xls together   workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('csv_merger/vaccoverage.xls') worksheets = workbook.sheet_names()   for i in range(3,len(worksheets)):     dy = pandas.io.excel.read_excel(workbook, i, engine='xlrd', index=None)     i = i+1     df = df.append(dy)  df.index.name = "index"  df.columns = ['demography', 'area','state', 'month', 'rate', 'moe']  #Then just grab month = 'May'  may_mask = df['month'] == "May" may_df = (df[may_mask])  #then delete some columns we dont need  may_df = may_df.drop('area', 1) may_df = may_df.drop('month', 1) may_df = may_df.drop('moe', 1)   print may_df.dtypes #uh oh, it sees 'rate' as type 'object', not 'float'.  Better change that.  may_df = may_df.convert_objects('rate', convert_numeric=True)  print may_df.dtypes #that's better  res = may_df.pivot_table('rate', 'state', 'demography') print res.head()   #and this is going to spit out an array of Objects, each Object a state containing its demographics res.reset_index().to_json("thejson.json", orient='records') #and a .csv for good measure res.reset_index().to_csv("thecsv.csv", orient='records', encoding="utf-8") 
like image 925
Maggie Avatar asked Sep 11 '14 12:09


People also ask

Does To_csv overwrite?

If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. If no path is given, then the Frame will be serialized into a string, and that string will be returned.

What does To_csv do in pandas?

Pandas DataFrame to_csv() function converts DataFrame into CSV data. We can pass a file object to write the CSV data into a file. Otherwise, the CSV data is returned in the string format.

1 Answers

Your "bad" output is UTF-8 displayed as CP1252.

On Windows, many editors assume the default ANSI encoding (CP1252 on US Windows) instead of UTF-8 if there is no byte order mark (BOM) character at the start of the file. While a BOM is meaningless to the UTF-8 encoding, its UTF-8-encoded presence serves as a signature for some programs. For example, Microsoft Office's Excel requires it even on non-Windows OSes. Try:


That encoder will add the BOM.

like image 110
Mark Tolonen Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Mark Tolonen