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Pandas DataFrame.hist() doesn't work

i follow the google course about machine learning. i'm on this part : pandas

But on my mac when i want to generate a chart with this command :


it doesn't work. The python icon appear but nothing is displaying on the screen.

i have see some tips with the backend parameter into matplotlibrc but mine is equals to MacOSX and it should work ?

Thanks for help

like image 636
Pred05 Avatar asked Jul 25 '18 12:07


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To plot a Histogram using Matplotlib, you need to first import the Histogram class from the Matplotlib library. The Histogram class has a plot() method which is used to plot histograms. The plot() method accepts a dataframe column as an argument. The Histogram will be plotted on the column of the dataframe.

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To show all columns in Pandas we can set the option: pd. option_context - display. max_columns to None. This will show all columns in the current DataFrame.

2 Answers

To elaborate on the comment from T. Kelly:

You need to call plt.show(). This worked for me:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
like image 141
JoschJava Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10


I'm following Google ML Crash Course(I think you are also following it based on the variable name).

I too encountered the same problem.

When I call


It is not showing any histogram. Instead it is showing

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12bb814e0>]],

To show the histogram, add this line in your imports:

%matplotlib inline

It should show the histogram.

like image 43
SkrewEverything Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 23:10
