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Pack/Import a local developed module into a project

I am trying to import a locally developed Angular project/module into an angular application without publishing it into npm repository.

First, I followed this tutorial to build my module in UMD format (I skipped the publish part):


Then, I tried to install my module in the final application by executing this command line:

npm install ../path-to-my-module --save

This added successfully my module as @myscope/myModule in the package.json of my application, but the problem is that the import of the module in the application isn't recognized. I ended up by getting the following error:

Cannot find module @myscope/myModule

In my node_modules, the folder @myscope is created, and inside it, there is a shortcut to ../path-to-my-module with the name myModule

Could the fact that there is a shortcut be the source of the problem? and if so how to fix it?

like image 652
Strider Avatar asked Jan 05 '18 01:01


People also ask

How do I import a module into a module?

The import statement You need to use the import keyword along with the desired module name. When interpreter comes across an import statement, it imports the module to your current program. You can use the functions inside a module by using a dot(.) operator along with the module name.

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Follow the below steps to create a package in PythonCreate a directory and include a __init__.py file in it to tell Python that the current directory is a package. Include other sub-packages or files you want. Next, access them with the valid import statements.

1 Answers

I found this article that helped me to solve my problem:


To give a brief summary, this is how I proceeded:

  1. Install ng-packagr:
    • Install it globally:
      npm install -g ng-packagr
    • Install it in the project module:
      npm install ng-packagr --save-dev
  2. create ng-package.json in the root folder of the project, and add the following:
      "$schema": "./node_modules/ng-packagr/ng-package.schema.json",
      "lib": {
        "entryFile": "public_api.ts"   
        "externals": {
          "@angular/cdk": "ng.cdk",
          "@angular/cdk/accordion": "ng.cdk.accordion",

In my case I had to add external dependencies in order to avoid packaging/build errors:

  1. create public_api.ts in the root folder of the project, and add the following:

    export * from './src/app/modules/myFeature/my-feature.module'

  2. Edit package.json, and add the packagr line to the scripts tag:

"scripts": {
  "packagr": "ng-packagr -p ng-package.json"
  1. Create the package by running the following command from the root folder:

    npm run packagr

  2. Install it for local development:

    • Pack the module by running the following command from the dist folder:
      npm pack
    • Install the packed module from the final project:
      npm install ../some-relative-path/dist/my-component-library-0.0.0.tgz

Then I could import my module from any other module or component of my final project

like image 70
Strider Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
