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OxyPlot get clicked point






I am trying to plot some circles on a scatter plot via:

    <oxy:PlotView x:Name="PlotView" Title="{Binding Title}" >
            <oxy:LinearAxis Position="Bottom" Minimum="-30" Maximum="30" IsAxisVisible="False" IsZoomEnabled="False" IsPanEnabled="False" />
            <oxy:LinearAxis Position="Left" Minimum="0" Maximum="35" IsAxisVisible="False" IsZoomEnabled="False" IsPanEnabled="False"/>
            <oxy:ScatterSeries Height="100" Width="100" ItemsSource="{Binding Points}" MarkerType="Circle" />

I cannot figure out how to enable some sort of click handler to have an event fired when a user clicks on a DataPoint.


User clicks DataPoint at (X, Y) = (0, 5), I would like to fire an event so I can handle the click of that point.

Is this possible with OxyPlot? I am currently investigating the Tracker to see if its possible that route, but starting to run out of ideas.

like image 463
Matt Avatar asked Jan 17 '15 15:01


2 Answers

PlotView has defined mouse events, from which you can get the mouse coordinates, and InverseTransform is used to translate mouse coordinates to plot coordinates.


var model = new PlotModel { Title = "Test Mouse Events" };

var s1 = new LineSeries();

double x;

s1.MouseDown += (s, e) =>
    x = (s as LineSeries).InverseTransform(e.Position).X;
like image 199
kennyzx Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 07:11


I couldn't get the accepted answer to work. The MouseDown handler wouldn't receive events when the plot was left-clicked. It would, however, receive events for right-clicks and double-clicks.

My workaround is to listen for PreviewMouseDown on the PlotView.

like image 2
Nora Powers Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 05:11

Nora Powers