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How I can Delete Selected Row in datagrid wpf?





I am using WPF datagrid I need to delete selected Row , my code is

private void dataGridView1_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.Key == Key.Delete)

But when I using this code show me error

Operation is not valid while ItemsSource is in use. Access and modify elements with ItemsControl.ItemsSource instead

How I can Delete Selected Row ?

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Mahmoud Kassem Avatar asked Oct 22 '14 11:10

Mahmoud Kassem

People also ask

How to delete selected row in DataGrid wpf?

You can access the currently selected item of a DataGrid using the SelectedItem property. After the first line you need to extract the information (e.g. some Id) from the item in order to delete it in the database. Usually you cast the SelectedItem to the object you used to bind to the grid. See also this response.

Can user delete rows WPF?

By default, the user can delete rows by selecting one or more rows and pressing the DELETE key.

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WPF DataGrid (SfDataGrid) provides built-in row called AddNewRow. It allows user to add a new row to underlying collection. You can enable or disable by setting SfDataGrid.

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In this article, I will show you how to delete selected rows from a GridView in ASP.NET. We are using a checkbox inside a GridView and a button. The User selects the row from the checkbox that he want to delete and on a button click it is deleted from the GridView and from the database too.

4 Answers

You never have to delete the row from the WPF grid. What you have to do is:

1) define a type with a ObservableCollection property that contains a list of objects presenting the values on your grid.

2) Bind that property to your grid control.

3) now if you add/remove objects from binded collection, corresponding rows will respectively add/remove from control's ui.

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Tigran Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09


Is guess your DataGrid is bound to an ItemsSource (e.g. an ObservableCollection). In that case manipulating the ItemsSource from the View is not allowed and you rather have to remove it in the ViewModel (that is where your bound objects are stored).

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Dennis Kassel Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09

Dennis Kassel

I think you are using a itemSource to populate the dataGridview. Remove the item from the datasource and then refresh the binding.

Or have your datasource class inherit from INotifyPropertyChanged and raise a PropertyChanged event and on the listbox XAML set the UpdateSourceTrigger as the PropertyChanged event, such as below:

ItemsSource="{Binding MyListItems, Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}
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Brad Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09


As clearly mentioned in the error description for a UI control bound to a DataSource you should be manipulating the data source itself and not the UI control ( in this case your data grid ).

The UI Control is only a way to present your data in the User Interface, to show edited or new or modified data ( for example 1 row less ) you should simply act on the underlying data source you have assigned to the DataGrid's ItemSource property.

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Davide Piras Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Davide Piras