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Overriding 'to boolean' operator in python?



I'm using a class that is inherited from list as a data structure:

class CItem( list ) :   pass oItem = CItem() oItem.m_something = 10 oItem += [ 1, 2, 3 ] 

All is perfect, but if I use my object of my class inside of an 'if', python evaluates it to False if underlying the list has no elements. Since my class is not just list, I really want it to evaluate False only if it's None, and evaluate to True otherwise:

a = None if a :   print "this is not called, as expected" a = CItem() if a :   print "and this is not called too, since CItem is empty list. How to fix it?" 
like image 640
grigoryvp Avatar asked Apr 17 '09 18:04


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1 Answers

In 2.x: override __nonzero__(). In 3.x, override __bool__().

like image 109
John Millikin Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 03:10

John Millikin