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Sort by column within multi index level in pandas

I have a sorting request per example below.

Do i need to reset_index(), then sort() and then set_index() or is there a slick way to do this?

l = [[1,'A',99],[1,'B',102],[1,'C',105],[1,'D',97],[2,'A',19],[2,'B',14],[2,'C',10],[2,'D',17]] df = pd.DataFrame(l,columns = ['idx1','idx2','col1']) df.set_index(['idx1','idx2'],inplace=True)  # assume data has been received like this... print df             col1 idx1 idx2       1    A       99      B      102      C      105      D       97 2    A       19      B       14      C       10      D       17  # I'd like to sort descending on col1, partitioning within index level = 'idx2'             col1 idx1 idx2       1    C      105      B      102      A       99      D       97  2    A       19      D       17      B       14      C       10 

Thank you for the answer Note I change the data slightly:

l = [[1,'A',99],[1,'B',11],[1,'C',105],[1,'D',97],[2,'A',19],[2,'B',14],[2,'C',10],[2,'D',17]] df = pd.DataFrame(l,columns = ['idx1','idx2','col1']) df.set_index(['idx1','idx2'],inplace=True) df = df.sort_index(by='col1', ascending=False) 

however the output is

idx1 idx2       1    C      105      A       99      D       97 2    A       19      D       17      B       14 1    B       11 2    C       10 

i would have wanted it to be

idx1 idx2       1    C      105      A       99      D       97      B       11  2    A       19      D       17      B       14      C       10 
like image 727
Dickster Avatar asked Feb 06 '15 17:02


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To rearrange levels in MultiIndex, use the MultiIndex. reorder_levels() method in Pandas. Set the order of levels using the order parameter.

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To sort a Pandas DataFrame by index, you can use DataFrame. sort_index() method. To specify whether the method has to sort the DataFrame in ascending or descending order of index, you can set the named boolean argument ascending to True or False respectively. When the index is sorted, respective rows are rearranged.

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Pandas Series: sort_index() function The sort_index() function is used to sort Series by index labels. Returns a new Series sorted by label if inplace argument is False, otherwise updates the original series and returns None.

1 Answers

You need DataFrame.reset_index, DataFrame.sort_values and DataFrame.set_index::

l = [[1,'A',99],[1,'B',11],[1,'C',105],[1,'D',97],      [2,'A',19],[2,'B',14],[2,'C',10],[2,'D',17]] df = pd.DataFrame(l,columns = ['idx1','idx2','col1']) df.set_index(['idx1','idx2'],inplace=True) print (df)            col1 idx1 idx2       1    A       99      B       11      C      105      D       97 2    A       19      B       14      C       10      D       17  df = df.reset_index() \        .sort_values(['idx1','col1'], ascending=[True,False]) \        .set_index(['idx1','idx2']) print (df)            col1 idx1 idx2       1    C      105      A       99      D       97      B       11 2    A       19      D       17      B       14      C       10 


For version 0.23.0 is possible use columns and index levels together (but buggy now if use ascending=[True, False], so maybe in newer versions):

df = df.sort_values(['idx1','col1'], ascending=[True,False]) print (df)             col1 idx1 idx2       1    C      105      A       99      D       97      B       11 2    A       19      D       17      B       14      C       10 
like image 174
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
